How to Manifest {with a Vision Board}

Wondering how to manifest in such a way that your deepest desires will materialize?

Creating a great vision board might be the answer to your question. There is a lot of motivational power as well as a lot of positive energy in a vision board.

You can create it easily and this guide will show you just how you can do that. So, keep reading to understand how a vision board works and how you can make one for yourself!

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How to Manifest {with a Vision Board}

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How to Manifest with a Vision Board #manifest #visionboard #visionboards creative

Let’s start at the beginning with what manifesting means.

Manifestation Definition

Manifestation: an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea

Some will call it a vision, others a manifestation.

Visionthe act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be

Personally, I’m on board with manifestation because I enjoy the idea that this board embodies something. I want my vision boards to be made of things not only that I hope to achieve or instill in my life, but also things that actually make up the every day, even the mundane, to remind me that of all that is good and well with my current circumstances.

The boards I create absolutely do this for me; they can do it for you, too.

What is a vision board and why should you create one

A vision board is a wide board or page that includes all your major life goals. Every time you look at your board you should get the feeling of knowing exactly where your life is going. Make it as appealing as possible and place it somewhere you can easily glance at.

Creating a vision board is a great way to motivate yourself and also attract the successes you want to reach. Many successful people such as Jim Carrey, Oprah or Beyonce, talked about their own vision boards and how they manifested their goals through them. Having such a board doesn’t mean that you can skip the work that gets you to your plans. It only means that you will have positive energy to reach them.

Vision Board Template

Creating your vision board is not complicated and there is no set in stone steps to follow either. You will just have to let your creative spirit guide you and allow your desires to materialize through your board.

Even so, we put together some great steps that will get you in the right direction as you want to get your first vision board.

How to Manifest with a Vision Board #manifest #visionboard #visionboards Template

Short Term

You’ll need to establish some short term goals for your business.

Creating a vision board without goals is pointless. You will need to have the actual things to visualize in order to get it to manifest.

The way I personally do this is by creating a master list of things. Ideas for your own business list / short-term goals might look like this:

  1. Figure out my extremely focused (i.e. niche) target customer.
  2. Take an offline product or service and figure out how to create something for/with/around it that can be purchased online.
  3. Make $2,000 more dollars per month, passively.
  4. Start an email list.

And furthermore, you can think outside of your business. Consider the following for your short-term goals as well: health, love life, finances or social life and establish your personal goals for each of these areas of your life.

You can write these goals in a list format on a paper that you keep close as you move on to further steps.

Dream Life

Then, repeat the short term task. This time, establish the dream life business goals you have.

It might look like this:

  1. 1/2 of my business is not fully online.
  2. I’m making an extra 7,000 per month from online sales.
  3. I have more free time to spend with family and friends.
  4. I’m able to take more vacation days because my business is running more on its own.
  5. The house is paid off!

Find the right pictures

Vision boards are all about pictures. But you can’t just go for any type of pictures you come across. You should find pictures and images that match your categories and even more important, your goals. You might like the picture search more than other steps when it comes to putting your vision board together.

It is easy to find amazing images on Instagram, Pinterest and other networks so you can use them in your vision board. Once you have at least one picture for each category of your vision board, you can start printing them.

You also have the option to use different magazines and cut images that suit your vision board. Whatever works for you should be fine for your vision board.

(Note: you can put together a standard or digital vision board. For more instruction on how to create a Digital Vision Board, click HERE.)

Put your vision board together

Now that you have your goals, your lists and your pictures, you are ready to start putting your vision board together. This is where your crafty skills kick in and you can make the best of them.

Get a corkboard or poster board sheet that is wide enough and start assembling it with your goals. This will be fun and rules free. You can place the categories wherever you want on your board. They can get scattered randomly or you might want to place them in order.

Feel free to add the decorations, stickers and anything else you need in order to get creative and have a fantastic vision board. You can use washi tape, pins or any other supplies to stick the pictures to your vision board.

Put it in a place you can see it easily

You should place your vision board where you can easily look at it every time you need some motivation in your life. The wall in your office might be a great start. You also take pictures of your vision board and have them in your phone for when you are on the go.

Being able to look at your vision board in order to get the inspiration, motivation and determination you need is essential for manifesting your goals.

Things to add to your vision board

The things you add to your vision board will be entirely up to you. These details are different for everyone and most likely what suits you will not suit another person which is why you shouldn’t generalize anything.

Keep in mind that there is no reason to get too in detail with the path that will lead you to reach your goals.

For the fine detail of business planning and reaching your goals, you’ll use a planner of sorts anyways for setting up your daily priorities, weekly tasks or monthly objectives that will eventually get you to reach the major goals in your life.

Learn how to set SMART Goals.

Vision Board Quotes

Here are some quotes you might like to add to your vision board.

  1. There is only one way to achieve your goals; start today.
  2. “Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.”
    — James Cash Penney, founder, JC Penney
  3. “Motivation is the catalyzing ingredient for every successful innovation.”
    — Clayton Christensen, economist and Harvard professor
  4. “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
    — T.S. Eliot, author
  5. “To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart.”
    — Thomas Watson, Sr., former CEO, IBM
  6. “Every problem is a gift — without problems we would not grow.” – Anthony Robbins, motivational speaker and writer

What do you need to make your vision board

In order to put together your perfect vision board, you will need a few items that will help you create it properly. None of the following items are expensive and you shouldn’t have any problem finding them either.

You need a corkboard that is a decent size. You can find it at most book stores but you can also order one online from Amazon. Don’t choose a board that is too big as it might be uncomfortable to place it in your home. But you also don’t want it to be too small because you need the space to add pictures and goals as well as occasional text and decorations.

HERE is another resource for all things Vision Board.

You will also need the photos you found online printed so you can add them to your board. When you print them try to get them in a clear resolution so that it will be inspirational to look at them on your board.

Don’t forget about glue, washi tape or any other similar products that will help you stick your pictures and other decorations to your board. You can go with whatever works for you at this point as long as everything stays in place on your board, you win.

Also, think of a way to hang your board on the wall. You might need to get strips or think of a different format. This will depend according to where you want to place it as well. If your board will have a frame it might be even easier to hang it on your wall or simply place it against a wall.

So, get all you need and start assembling your ideal vision board together today!

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