30 Days New You Challenge


Reaching a better version of yourself is never an easy path. But it is definitely one of the most important paths worth taking for yourself and to better your life on the long run. You might think that you need to invest a lot of time into discovering the best version of yourself.

Your personality and overall who you are as an individual can shape you into the person you aspire to be. But in order to build your personality, you might need to make some changes to your life. Here is all you have to know about this challenge and how you can make the most of it. You will need 30 days and at times even less than that to define your personality in a way that will compliment the life you want to have. It all depends on how diligent you are and what is your starting point. But assuming you start this challenge from scratch,here are the aspects you will have to understand and address in the next month to get where you want to be.

Why going through the new you challenge

Do you have to go through such a challenge to begin with? The truth is that this challenge is not for everyone but those who decide to give it a try will discover new sides of their individuality that they will want to keep.

If you have often moments when you feel like you are not in touch with your personality or if you feel like you don’t know yourself very in depth, this challenge is for you. We all have our own personality, nevertheless. But the important thing is to discover it and shape it into its better form. We also like to be noticed for our qualities and our positive traits. And this is hard if we don’t know how to evaluate ourselves and show the world just what we have to offer.

If you find yourself in such a situation, you will only gain from the 30 days new you challenge.


What goal should you keep in mind

Keep in mind that this challenge is not meant to change who you are as a person. As a matter of fact it is quite the opposite. It is the type of journey that will enhance who you are at many levels. You should remember to look for the original and genuine you and help it develop in an even better direction.

Picture the best version of yourself based on the type of person you are, your education, your dreams and your skills. Having an idea regarding the direction you want to go towards will help you go through this 30 days challenge easier and make the best out of it!


How to set the right expectations

We can already tell that you set certain expectations even before starting the 30 days new you challenge. This is not entirely wrong as long as you don’t have unrealistic expectations. This challenge will not change who you are as an individual. This is simply not its goal. But you can expect to discover yourself with a lot more defined qualities than the ones you already have. We understand that you might feel insecure and stressed because you find it difficult to define your personality. But this feeling of being uneasy will change as soon as you give this challenge a try.

At the end of this challenge you will be more at peace with yourself and like yourself more. There will be ways in which you understand yourself that you never experienced before. There is also the option of finding out that the way you are now is exactly the way you want to be. The outcome differs from one person to another and you might astonish yourself.

By following this 30 days challenge all the way through, you will also discover new sides of the people that are close to you. Doing so will help you appreciate your friends and family members but also your partner to a different and even deeper level.


The new you challenge

As this challenge is not complicated at all, there are still a few steps that you should follow in order to be successful at it.


1. Evaluate who you truly are

You can’t possibly change or better who you are without a proper evaluation first. Define who you are as you start this challenge or is not going to work the way you expect it to work. This might require several days of analyzing yourself from an objective point of you. And you might be surprised to find out that this can also be the most difficult part.

You will find this first step to be easier if you make two lists: one with what you like about yourself and one with what you are not so found of. This will give you a clearer vision on your traits, both negative and positive ones. And you will find it a lot easier to better your negative traits once you see them in front of your eyes. Look at both lists and understand where you start this challenge at. You will get to know yourself better and feel better equipped to develop your personality that everyone will love.


2. Get and stay inspired

Inspiration is the key to many successes and you shouldn’t underestimate its power. This second step will actually be one of the most entertaining steps. This is the time to get a role model. You can choose a movie or book character that you aspire to be as. Or you can even choose a real person or a celebrity that inspires you. As long as the role model you pick is bringing the best in you out to the surface, you have made the right choice.

It is important to realize that you will not become a copy of your role model. You will just allow them to inspire you and guide you in the direction that you feel will represent you. Such a model should help you become better at what you are doing and invest more quality time into who you want to be. You can get inspired by their accomplishments or overall their style which, in turns, will help you define your own style.


3. Design a strategy

You will find it nearly impossible to improve yourself without a proper strategy. This is why you should work on a plan. Put your plan together before you start you 30 days new you challenge. You will have to follow this plan through from the first day of your transformation journey. So, give it much thought and make sure you are comfortable with it as much as possible.

First of all you will focus on your positive traits. Get the list you made in step one and find interesting ways to improve these qualities you have even more. If you like to keep your house clean, think about how you can use this skill to keep other areas of your life organized. Maybe you have a developed sense of fashion and you want to extend it to other areas of your life. For instance, you can use this sense for aesthetics to decorate your home in a more trendy way.

Once you are done with your qualities it is time to focus on your shortcomings. Look at the list with things you are not so proud of and consequently think of strategies to fix them. If you forget important aspects of your day often you might want to start using a planner. Or if you eat at irregular hours, do your best to set up a meal schedule and stick to it. The adjustments you will make should depend completely on the type of traits you put down on your two lists.

Ultimately, you will look at your role model. Write down the most important things that inspire you about this person and try to add them to your life. Some of them will need to be modified in order to suit you best. Others will be easier to add. But they will all improve yourself and bring you closer to the new you that you aim to be.


4. Implement your strategy

The strategy above will not help you any unless you put it into action. So hold yourself accountable for the changes you need to make in your life so that you can add as many steps to your daily life. You might have to let your family or close friends know about your 30 days challenge plan so that they can help you stay on track. It is very easy to not stick to a new routine so you will need extra help. Those close to you will gladly help you improve yourself and take the steps you need in that direction.

It will be very useful to create a daily schedule that you can stick to. Include in it your morning routine as well as your work schedule and relaxation hours. You should take care of your priorities in a day but also of your self care routine. Implement these activities to the best of your abilities and you should see improvements every week!



While the 30 days new you challenge is not for everyone, it can definitely help everyone who chooses to stick to it. You will notice that you become closer to the new version of yourself with every change you add to your life. But it is essential to stay determined and find the right source of motivation to keep you walking this path until you get to where you want to be. At the end of the line, you will like yourself a lot more and gain more confidence in your potential!

Habits For A Better Mental Health


Your mental health should always be a priority for you. It is not something you do spontaneously in your life. You should watch the impact different life events have on you and manage this impact to the best of your ability. You want to have a mental health that is strong enough to help you go through life with a good judgment and a great stability in terms of your psychic.

The following habits will be a life saver when you need to strengthen your mental health and improve it. Incorporate them into your routine and you will find yourself with a much better mental health before you know it!


Best habits for improving mental health

Add these habits to your daily routine in order to contribute to your mental health and take care of it for the long run. Keep in mind that your brain is in need of constant attention and you should make sure your mind stays healthy throughout your life to the best of your abilities.


Skip multi-tasking

If you have a hectic schedule or if you want to cover a lot of tasks at the same time, you might find yourself multi-tasking. But even if this seems to be a remarkable skill, it is not a healthy one for your brain. You will overuse your mind and most likely get tired in a faster way. Plus, you might not even be able to do all the things you want to do at the same quality.

So, instead of multitasking, you might want to pick your tasks wisely. Think of your most important priorities and try to cover those first. This will free your schedule later on when you can take care of what you truly love to do. Mixing your priorities with your hobbies or taking care of more things at the same time will mentally drain you.



Meditation can be one of the most powerful weapons you have in order to strengthen your mental health. Only ten minutes of meditation each day can clear your mind and help you find the balance you need. You can always meditate more especially during a stressful time.

When you meditate, try to empty your mind of all the thoughts and relax your body. You should find a place with no distractions and where you can focus only on the feeling of peace. If you are a beginner at meditation, you might want to use a guided meditation session. These sessions come free with many apps and on many websites online so all you do is run a search. They will have a calming voice that guides you through the entire meditation time so that you can relax and be at peace easier.

Before you know it, you will crave your ten minutes of meditation as they contribute so much to your peace of mind. You can try meditating in the morning, in the evening or sporadically throughout the day as you feel the need to reduce tension. Don’t worry, you will find the perfect meditation style for you soon enough!


Take care of yourself

Self care is incredibly effective when it comes to your mental health. You should invest time into taking care of your body, mind and soul equally. Keeping these three aspects of yourself in harmony is essential for your mental health.

Pamper yourself with a hot bath every now and then, listen to your favorite music and maybe try out aromatherapy with some scented candles. Pay attention to the type of information and even entertainment that you invite into your life. Not all tv shows are healthy for your mind and not all relationships you have serve you.

Besides taking care of your body and mind you should also watch your emotions as this is an important part of self care as well. Keep your emotions in balance and try your best to reduce drama to a minimum. You don’t need extra stress in your life, especially if you can avoid it.


Have quality time to people you love

Your mental health will also be directly influenced by the people you welcome into your life. If you want to improve your mental health and maintain it on a positive route you should keep close to those you love and love you. Positive interactions are essential for a healthy mind and overall a balanced lifestyle.

In order to decide which relationships are worth keeping,. you might have to evaluate them with a critical eye. This is not always easy. You might find that you have conflicted feelings as you decide if there are any relationships that you need to end. Keeping people who love you close to you is going to give you a confidence boost and they will help you deal with all the challenges that come in your life. Plus, you might be surprised as you discover which relationships are not worth to keep in your life. It could be overwhelming to cut those people off your life but it will be rewarding nevertheless.



Working out is not effective only for your body and the way you look but also for your brain. As you exercise, your mind will get into a more positive and even happier mood. You will feel more gratitude regarding the good things in your life and you will find yourself in a much better vibe. This can keep your mental health on the right path and keep you in shape at the same time.

Life can get in the way of your working out schedule, though. But if you aim to exercise at least three times a week you should be on the right track. You don’t need to do it every day even if some stretching and minimum activity on a daily basis will definitely help. When it comes to exercising choose what works for you and go at your own step. As long as you do something to keep your body moving, you are doing a great job. Your mind will get the signal and start supporting you better in return.


Watch your lifestyle

Everything you incorporate into your lifestyle will have a positive or a negative impact on your mental health. Strive to create a lifestyle that brings more positivity to you than negativity.

Eating healthy is part of a good lifestyle that will empower your mental health. Try to eat a variety of veggies and fruits in order to offer your body and brain all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients they need. Add veggies to your meals and snack on fruits in the first part of the day. Your meat should also be lean and low on fat so you enjoy the protein that comes with it. It is better to choose to cook your meat with less salt and add plenty of herbal seasonings to it.

Besides your diet, your sleeping schedule is quite as important too. Studies show that you should sleep around eight hours a night but as you get to know your body and your mind better you might learn that you can get away with seven or even six hours. Some people need more sleep than just eight hours. The type of work you do and how emotional your life is will also have an impact on your sleeping schedule.


Reduce your time on social media

Spending hours on social media can be easy and indulging in it might surprise you. This is the big trap of social media and all social networks are designed to keep you addicted to them. But as entertaining as social media can be, you will find soon enough that it has a negative effect on your mind health. You will get exposed to a bunch of information that will not serve you and you will open the door for a lot of unnecessary drama.

Instead of spending so much time on social media you might want to limit it to just checking your messages once a day. This time could be in the morning or in the evening or even during your lunch break. Once you checked your accounts you should be good to move to more important activities on your to do list.

As you reduce your time on social media networks your brain will silently thank you for it. You will feel more focused on the things that really matter to you and you will find yourself less stressed. Your mental health will be stronger as days go by and you will not have to worry about all the things you come across on social media, that don’t matter.



It is essential to incorporate these habits into your daily life as part of your routines. As soon as you make them part of what you do on a regular basis, you will invest into your mental health without even realizing it. As time passes you will be aware of how sharp your mental health becomes and the things you are able to process with less stress.

How To Feel Better About Yourself


Loving yourself should be a constant priority you have. If you don’t love yourself, you will not be able to achieve all the things you want to achieve in life. You will not be the person you want to be for those around you and you will struggle to have healthy relationships.

This guide will support you in your journey of loving yourself unconditionally and independently from other people. Because you should be your main responsibility and no other person or relation in your life has the right to validate who you are or how worthy you are!

Tips to start loving yourself no matter what

In order to love yourself more and in all circumstances, certain changes might need to be made. Some of these changes will be directed towards your life, while others will regard you and your outlook on your life.

Watch the way you criticize yourself

It is good to criticize yourself at times as long as you don’t overdo it. Being aware of your shortcomings will help you address them and fix them when you need to perform better at different tasks. Stay in touch with your true self without putting yourself down while you are doing that.

If you fall into the trap of criticizing yourself too much, you will find yourself desperate and unhappy. This type of attitude will point out to all your wrongs and make it harder for you to evolve. Even if, on the surface, it might seem like the opposite, as a matter of fact you will be working against yourself as you do that. Choose your self criticizing moments carefully and don’t do it unless it is something that truly matters. Accepting yourself just the way you are is better than criticizing yourself.

Forgive your mistakes

We all do mistakes of different levels and the soon you accept this to be part of your human nature the better it will be for yourself. You should try to be aware of your mistakes and learn to forgive yourself for them. Sure, it is good to hold yourself accountable for those moments of error but never stretch that to an extreme you are not comfortable with.

Blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong in your life will only increase your level of negativity and take away from the way enjoy life. You will not only love yourself less but you will respect yourself less. Actually, if you think about it, not everything is your fault. And even if it is, you will not be perfect all the time simply because perfection doesn’t exist. Since you are at forgiving yourself step you might as well start forgiving those around you who did you wrong. Holding grudges will never work in your favor.

Dive into journaling

Journaling can be a life saver if you are planning to start loving yourself more. If you never tried this before, you might find it a bit difficult to lay your thoughts on paper. But it is worth to do so nevertheless. Start simple as all you need will be a notebook and a pen. You can always upgrade your journaling as you will get more comfortable with it. You might even want to add some decorations in your journal to make it more attractive to read whenever you need.

When you are journaling go for the positive aspects in your life. Focus on your qualities, your blessings and all those things that you are grateful for. You can start writing about your successes and the progress you made in one direction or another. All types of progress should be acknowledged and cherished. Use your journal to lay down all the good things about yourself so it will boost your confidence every time you go through it.

Stay away from toxic relationships

You might not realize just how bad toxic relationships can affect you. They don’t just drain your energy and take valuable time off your day but they also alter the image you have about yourself.

If you are to stay away from toxic relationships in your life, you will also want to get rid of certain people that cause those relationships in the first place. As soon as you start looking at your relationships and people in your life, you might be surprised of how many of them are toxic to you. The important thing is to understand that no matter what type of relationship you have as toxic in your life you should either fix it or end it.

Surround yourself with people that truly love you

Since we are at relationships, you should also welcome in your life those people who truly care for you and appreciate you. This type of people will offer you the positive vibe you need to see yourself with the qualities they see in you. They will support your decisions and learn to offer you the shoulder to cry on when you need.

Having people who love and cherish you is essential for your self love process. Try to keep in touch with such individual often and invest in your relationships with them, being them family, friends or partners. The more positive things you hear about yourself, the easier you will find to love yourself in an unconditional way.

Chase your goals

Setting up goals could be a certain path towards loving yourself no matter what. If you have objectives that you are working towards you will want to keep applying yourself until you reach them. This will make it easier to look at your qualities and learn how to develop them in order to serve you best.

When you are motivated, you learn to stay focused on the positive parts of you that can help you fulfill and materialize your motivation through different means. You will build your confidence stronger as you are chasing your goals for a better future. Having a good set of goals will also generate a good attitude. And the best thing to do in order to love yourself is to have the right attitude!

Have a positive attitude

Having the right attitude leads us to building a positive attitude regarding your life. Staying positive will help you look at the world in a better light but also look at yourself better and appreciating who you are more. If you maintain a positive vibe you will learn to cherish your good side and work on your downfalls in order to evolve as an individual.

But first, you will have to be aware of your positive aspects. You have plenty of qualities and you should be proud of them at all times. You are an unique person with an unique beauty. Celebrate that positive side of you and focus mostly on it without allowing any negative aspects to take away from it.

Indulge in self care

If you don’t have a self care routine by now, it is time to implement one. Love yourself enough to take care of yourself. You are a complex being and you should indulge in taking care of all those aspects. You have a spiritual side and a material side, and you should take care of both of them. Cherish your mind, heart and body with the same importance.

Self care includes different steps for each one of us. But generally, you should mind the type of information you want to access for instance the books or movies you enjoy, you should spoil yourself every now and then as well as offer yourself time to relax. While these are common aspects of self care, feel free to find your own self care routine that works for you.

Take a long bath every other day with your favorite scented candles. Or purchase that dress or shirt you always wanted to have. Or maybe you want to go eat at a new restaurant that opened in your town. Either way, self care is about enjoying your time with yourself and pampering yourself every once in a while.

Have a good time

No matter what your day is filled with, the type of activities you have to do or want to do, you should always make a point out of having a good time. Enjoying yourself through life will help you love yourself more in a variety of circumstances. You will be able to appreciate yourself from different angles and you will learn your true value.

Do things that bring you joy throughout your day in order to lighten up the mood and take the pressure off yourself. Take breaks to read something that will make you laugh or watch an interesting movie. Whatever you choose to do will work miracles as long as you have a good time and learn to relax even if it is for just a few moments.

Self educate when you have the time

If you still struggle to love yourself no matter what, you should take your journey a step further and check out some self books on this matter. There are many people who struggle with self love and you are never alone in this process. This is why authors from all over the world put together complex guides to help readers just like you.

Self education is important in all areas of your life but even more so when it comes to yourself. You will go through many events and situations in your life and you might need help to cope with them. Self education books are there to support you and offer you some if not all the answers you need to be successful not only at what you are doing but also at loving yourself.

Be your biggest cheerleader

Celebrate your successes and learn to encourage yourself when you need to. There will be many moments when you will find yourself questioning your path and in these times you will also question yourself. In these times you should be your main cheerleader and keep yourself going in the direction that you want. Be aware of your worth and trust in yourself. You have to believe that you can do everything you set your mind to do without thinking of your limitations.

Encouraging yourself to move forward when it seems like nothing works in your favor is a significant skill you have to develop. Use motivational quotes and affirmations and understand that sometimes there will be setbacks. But none of these setbacks is permanent and you shouldn’t worry about your potential at all.


Learn to understand yourself and appreciate yourself at the same time. You will discover who you are your entire life and you will constantly have to adjust to the new version of you and love yourself for it. This might come natural to some extent but it can’t hurt to invest in it a bit in order to keep yourself on track. The moment you let yourself go, you will notice many areas of your life will be affected. And the more time you spend without getting back to loving yourself no matter what, the harder it will become. So, do the changes you need to do now and enjoy the results of your self love journey!

Best Mental Health Ted Talks


People cope up with their mental health issues in different ways. Some love to hang out with their friends to escape from their struggles, enjoying their happy moments and continuously forgetting everything that is dragging them down. Others enjoy the peaceful serenity that solitude brings. They cover themselves with a warm blanket and enjoy a hot cup of coffee or tea to replenish their energy and deal with everything that’s been holding them.

If you are one of those people who love watching videos, then Ted Talks can help you out in a lot of ways. If you are subscribed to them, you will see various personalities giving seminars or talks about certain topics that could help people either personally or professionally. If you are struggling with your mental health, one thing you can do is to search for Ted Talks videos that can assist you with this matter. In this article, we are going to look at some of the best Ted Talks you could watch to help you cope up with your mental health issues.

Top Ten Ted Talks for Your Mental Health

Here is a shortlist of some of the best Ted Talks that can help you out.

1. Don’t Suffer from Your Depression in Silence by Nikki WebberDepression is not something that you can just shake off. Like any other disease, physical or otherwise, it is an unexpected thing that happens at some point in our lives. Although some people are lucky enough to not deal with it, most of us are actually facing our battles with depression on a daily basis.

In this Ted Talk, Nikki Webber provides an excellent speech that most people with mental health issues can relate to. She discusses the importance of sharing your struggles with other people, starting from her denial up to the point where she can comfortably open up her depression to others. She constantly gives speeches about depression, and she reminds everyone all the time that we should not deal with it in silence.

2. The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown

When you are dealing with mental health issues, it does not mean that you are powerless. These issues can actually help you become more powerful in your own way.

In this Ted Talk by Brene Brown, she explains the importance of using your shame and vulnerability as tools to help yourself feel better. This method is actually helpful, since it helps us accept ourselves for who we really are. In line with that, the more you accept yourself, the more you will be willing to become better than your current state. There is no shame in acknowledging our weaknesses. In fact, we allow them to become our strengths once we accept them as a part of us.

3. How to Stay Calm When You Know You’ll Be Stressed by Daniel LevitinThis is the perfect video if you are currently dealing with ridiculously large amounts of stress. In this Ted Talk, Daniel Levitin talks about the importance of handling our stress levels whenever we deal with unexpected situations in our lives. He goes from narrating a particular story in his life in which he was stressed out, and then he continues it by sharing how stress can affect all the other aspects of our lives.

When you watch this video, you will realize that stress is inevitable. Eventually, we will have to deal with certain situations that we never wanted in the first place. The good thing, though, is that we can deal with them in a way that we can control our stress levels. This way, we won’t have to risk damaging our mental and physical health, and we can successfully go through whatever it is that life throws at us.

4. A Simple Way to Break Bad Habits by Judson Brewer

Even when you don’t know it, you will eventually develop certain bad habits that can affect your life. For example, we tend to eat too much when we are stressed, hence, the term “stress-eating” comes to life. All of these bad habits will worsen if we don’t cut them out of our lives.

Thankfully, Judson Brewer taught a simple way that we can break these bad habits through this Ted Talk. He explains the importance of doing it, and he encourages us to do our best to improve our lives with each step we take.

5. The Bridge Between Suicide and Life by Kevin Briggs

In this Ted Talk, Kevin Briggs shares his experience of dealing with people who planned on taking their lives on the famous Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. He used to patrol this area as a sergeant, and he talked to these people in a way that helped them recover from their troubles. By the latter part, he provides strong advice to those people who may have loved ones that are planning to consider suicide as their escape.

6. Toward a New Understanding of Mental Health by Thomas Insel

Thomas Insel looked at mental disorders in a way that he treated them as physical disorders. In this Ted Talk, he discusses his research in a way that explains his curiosity about the fact that treating mental disorders as brain disorders. He continues on with the idea that if we treat them in a way that we treat physical ailments such as heart, liver, lung, and other diseases, they can actually provide better health to people who are suffering from them.

7. Mental Health for All by Involving All by Vikram Patel

In this video, Vikram Patel pointed out the importance of taking care of the people with mental health issues in a way that is not only done inside a clinic. He shared that in most countries, people with mental illnesses tend to be left untreated because there are fewer supplies. By outlining a potentially successful approach, Patel pointed out that ordinary people should be taught about proper mental health care procedures. This way, ordinary people can help others deal with their personal struggles.

8. Why We Choose Suicide by Mark Henick

Mark Henick carefully explains the importance of talking about suicide in a proper manner through this Ted Talk. By watching this, you will get to understand why some people make the decision to take their own life. He also explains the importance of reframing our conversations regarding the subject, so that we can slowly, but surely, change people’s perception of it around the world.

9. There’s No Shame in Taking Care of Your Mental Health by Sangu DelleMen are usually shown as strong and husky, but what most people don’t know is that they are just as sensitive as others. In this Ted Talk, Sangu Delle shared a story of his struggles when it comes to anxiety, and how he dealt with it in a gender group that is uncomfortable with sharing their emotions. By watching this, you will appreciate the importance of acknowledging your feelings, and there shouldn’t be any problem when it comes to sharing them.

10. Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid by Guy Winch

In this Ted Talk, Guy Winch carefully explains the importance of seeking help when we are dealing with mental health issues. He discusses the fact the people usually deal with their problems on their own, and this is not a bad thing. In fact, it is true that out of all the people in the world, the best person to help yourself is you. Winch reminds us that emotional first aid is something that we should consider as a big part of our lives. If we cannot handle it ourselves, we should ask help so that things become lighter.

Dealing with mental health problems is no joke. If you are looking for ways to cope up with it, watch these Ted Talks in a time that you are comfortable. You will get a lot from them, and they could help you make your dealings with psychological problems a lot easier.

Best Hobbies To Reduce Anxiety


Millions of people worldwide suffer from some form of anxiety. Anxiety does not discriminate on age, gender, financial status, sexual orientation, or pretty much anything else.

According to a psychology study conducted in 2016, people that engage in some creative hobby tend to deal better with their anxiety issues, compared with those that didn’t have any hobby or engage in some creative activity.

From learning calligraphy to baking bread, people find relaxation in all sorts of hobbies and activities.

What follows is an overview of some of the most common habits and activities that are known to help people relax and keep their anxiety levels low.

Feel free to try at least one of these hobbies or activities if you are concerned about your levels of stress and anxiety.

#10 Gardening

There is an actual study from the “Journal of Health Psychology” that examined the effects of gardening over the symptoms of anxiety and stress. According to that study, gardening tends to lower the cortisol which is a stress hormone.

The herbs, the flowers, and the produced food are an added value to the calmness that you get from your gardening activities.

So, maybe it is the right time to get your hands dirty and step into the world of gardening.

#9 Wilderness therapy

If you live in Sweden, a doctor can recommend an outdoor therapy that includes spending time in an environment such as a forest, mountain, or pretty much anywhere far from the city.

Nowadays, there are plenty of wilderness therapy programs that are all about spending time in nature. Many of these programs combine experimental education with interpersonal self-improvement, and group therapy methods.

So, don’t wait for the doctor’s prescription, head out to the closest forest, and see what the fuss about it is. The bond between humans and nature is always strong, maybe it is time for you to rediscover that.

#8 Knitting

So no, knitting is not some activity that is exclusive to grandmas. Ditch that stereotype and start knitting yourself. According to Psychology Today, knitting is somewhat similar to meditation. Knitting as such is based on repetitive movements that can bring people in the present moment. As a result, people experience increased release of serotonin. This neurotransmitter will make the knitter feel positive and calm which are feelings diametrically opposite of anxiety and stress.

#7 Working out

Exercising is good for dealing with anxiety and by now that is almost common knowledge as countless studies are pointing in that direction. Whether it is bicycling, jogging in the park, or hitting the gym couple of times every week, it can help you keep your anxiety at bay. Or at the very least to be able to manage it easier.

If you are not into working out, you can even try goal-oriented fitness classes such as hip-hop dancing or martial arts.

#6 Get a pet

Quite a few studies are proving that having a pet can improve your overall mood, as well as lower your anxiety levels. Furthermore, it increases your sense of responsibility and helps you feel less lonely.

#5 Take a self-improvement class

The most limited resource in modern living is time. Sometimes it looks like mission impossible to squeeze a weekly class in our busy schedule.

But if you’re serious about dealing with your anxiety you should find a way to add at least one weekly class into the mix.

Whether it is a class about cooking, language class, pottery, or something else, you should do it. By doing so, you will be able to simultaneously distract yourself from all the things that trigger your anxiety, as well as boost your self-confidence.

#4 Yoga classes

Yoga is not great just for toned muscles and posture, but it can also bring a ton of emotional benefits. Some of those emotional benefits include reduced symptoms of anxiety, sleep better, improved cognitive skills, increased serotonin, and so on.

All of that has been confirmed by a resented study conducted by the National Institutes of Health.

Typically, beginners start practicing Vinyasa yoga that is less demanding than power yoga as there are no challenging poses. Vinyasa yoga is more based on combining breathing techniques with coordinated movements.

The best part is that you can start at home for free. There are plenty of excellent free online classes that can help you learn yoga practices.

#3 Filling up a coloring book

It may sound a bit weird, but a coloring book with intricate designs can be a great distraction. It will keep you engaged for long periods instead of worrying and feeling anxious.

In 2017, a study run by the Creativity Research Journal revealed that filling coloring books can lead to a plethora of mental health benefits. The study showed that those who took part in coloring daily experienced way lower levels of depression than participants that didn’t engage in any coloring.

The study concluded that daily coloring could bring many mental health benefits such as decreased anxiety and stress levels.

Nowadays, there are plenty of free coloring books for adults and children that can be downloaded for free and printed. Also, many coloring books of this kind can be found in most bookstores.

#2 Practice mindfulness

Managing anxiety is all about learning how to deal with the chaos that exists in your head. Mindfulness is proven over and over as an effective method for dealing with that stress.

Every hobby that makes you more present is welcomed. That’s because mindfulness makes you stay grounded and doesn’t allow for anxious thoughts to take over your brain.

Common mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga can slow down unwanted thoughts that usually lead to feelings of anxiety. The more mindful you become the better you will become at dealing with anxiety.

There are hundreds of studies on the effects of meditation and mindfulness on human mental health. By default, they all prove that it can do wonders for your mental condition.

Same as with yoga, there are a ton of free videos online that can help you learn about meditation and mindfulness. On top of that, dozens of mobile apps can also guide you through the world of meditation and mindfulness.

#1 Books and TV shows

One of the easiest ways to distract yourself from unwanted thoughts and anxiety attacks is to redirect your focus onto someone else’s concerns, even if those are concerns of imaginary characters and not those of real people.

Therefore, if you don’t have a Netflix account or a library card, you might want to do something about that.

Psychologists agree that, sometimes, eliminating symptoms of anxiety can be as simple as finding the time to read a book or watching a TV show. Immersing into other people’s stories, getting to know their characters, how they act when thrown in a bad situation, all that can be both fun and therapeutic.

If you go through the classics you might even learn a thing or two on what it takes to live an authentic life and make better life decisions.

In conclusion

If things go bad with your anxiety issues, there is no shame for asking professional help. But, if you are not there yet, you can try some of our recommendations to control and manage your anxiety levels.

The hobbies and activities described here might seem somewhat generic and simple. They are simple, there is nothing particularly difficult about them, but they are efficient. They have helped hundreds of thousands of people with anxiety issues.

Thanks to them, they have reported feeling much better, and that they can deal with their anxiety.

Worst-case scenario, you will learn something new like a new language, read a few more books, binge-watch some TV show, or something in line with the recommendations above.

13 Snacks That Will Detox Your Body


Detox is great for your health and as a bonus it also makes your skin look better. Keep reading and find out the best snacks you can enjoy at home if you want to detox your body!

  1. Avocado

Avocado is considered one of the best fruits you can eat due to its nutritious values. Besides healthy fats and vitamins, avocado also contains a lot of antioxidants. You can eat it plain or in salads but you can make different sauces out of this fruit as well. An avocado a day can do miracles for your health and help detox your body efficiently.

Related: 10 Habits Of People Who Never Gain Weight

  1. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is another essential snack if you want to detox your body. Just like avocado, you should eat this fruit plain in order to enjoy all its nutrients. You can use this fruits if you are on a weight loss diet too. It helps you burn fat and has plenty of antioxidants to keep your body free of toxins. Grapefruit can also prevent strokes and cardiovascular diseases and keep you in shape at the same time.

  1. Pineapple

If you like the taste of pineapple, you will be glad to hear that it is one of the best fruits you can eat in a detox diet. This delicious snack is not just going to be efficient in a detox diet but it is also going to help you digest your food better. This is also why the nutritionists recommend some pineapple as desert after a copious meal.

  1. Celery

Moving on to veggies that can help you detox, celery is one of your best choices. It helps maintain a neutral body pH and level your acidity. You can drink celery juice to replace electrolytes in your body but you can also eat it in soups or stews. However you choose to eat celery, it is important to include it in your diet. Celery can help regulate your blood pressure, kidney functions and reduce stress levels significantly.

  1. Asparagus

Asparagus is very important primarily for the liver. You can eat it raw or steamed with your favorite seasonings. Asparagus can make miracles in detox diets and will eliminate a lot of toxins from your body. You can easily prepare some asparagus sticks to have them nearby for when you need a snack.

  1. Rice

If you think you should avoid carbs all together, think again. Rice is a great form of carbs that will help you detox your body and enjoy a delicious meal at the same time. You don’t have to exaggerate with the rice in your diet but having a meal with these healthy carbs three times a week can definitely help you stay in shape and eliminate toxins.

  1. Carrots and hummus

If you are looking for a delicious snack that will help you detox your body, look no farther than carrots and hummus. This combination will get you full fast without having to eat much of other consistent foods. They are great in all weight loss diets and they bring significant amount of vitamins and protein to your body at the same time.

  1. Lemon water

Lemon water is not precisely a snack but it is more like a healthy drink. You can start your day with a glass of lemon water without any added sugar and you are set for the rest of the day. This drink will help you detox and lose weight as it speeds up your metabolism too.

  1. Watermelon

During hot summer days, watermelon can be a delicious and healthy snack. It helps detox your body and keeps you hydrated too. By just eating a slice of watermelon you get rid of impurities in your body and you help your kidneys work properly.

  1. Apples

You know the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Well, it turns out that this saying is extremely true. Apples are tasty and they help you clean your system fast. Your entire digestive system will benefit from this amazing fruit and you really don’t need more than one apple a day to enjoy all its benefits.

  1. Green smoothies

Green smoothies are classic when it comes to detox diets. They contain a lot of green veggies such as kale, cucumber, broccoli and you can even add avocado in them. Find the combination that you like the most and enjoy it at your breakfast or as an afternoon snack.

  1. Kale

Kale is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals which makes it very efficient in stimulating your metabolism. If you include it in your diet, you will not have to worry about impurities in your body. You can consume it in salads or plain according to your preferences and you can even add it to your smoothies!

  1. Green tea

Green tea can be a much healthier alternative to your daily coffee. It wakes you up just as efficiently as a cup of coffee but it is also going to help you detox. This type of tea has plenty of antioxidants that your body will thank you for and it lowers blood sugar levels too!

You can snack on these healthy foods as often as you want through your day. But pay attention because too much of a good thing can have unpleasant side effects as well. Eat them in small portions and in between meals. None of these snacks should replace a meal, which is very important for your health.

10 Habits Of People Who Never Gain Weight


We all have that one friend who seems to stay in shape and maintain their weight no matter what they eat. But is it really working like that or do they have some secrets that we should be aware of as well?

Here are ten of the best habits of people who never gain weight! Try them out yourself and see how they change your weight and looks!

  1. Make healthy choices

Everything starts with you and what you choose to eat. If you choose to have a healthy diet and count the calories, you will most likely be able to manage your weight without struggle. However, if you like to splurge and enjoy fast food or processed food and sugar, even if you do it rarely, this will put your weight at great risk. If you do fall on the “sinful” side of your diet though, you should try your best to be moderated and do it as rare as possible.

Start small. If you’re used to ordering a burger with fries and coke, why not start with a burger, salad, and water for example. I’m not saying that this is the healthiest meal, but you got to start somewhere, right?

Related: 13 Snacks That Will Detox Your Body

  1. Giving up is not an option

You should accept the fact that you may relapse. Even if you stay on the right track, chances are that you will be faced with a birthday or a holiday where plenty of unhealthy food will be on the table. You can control yourself and eat just what you know is good for you. However, you might have a fallout.

If this happens you need to be gentle to yourself and get back on track as soon as the feast is over. No need to go down on a complete road of relapse for just one event.

  1. Decide what is your ideal weight

Your body is different than others and you have to keep in shape according to your health and height. Make sure to take into account your lifestyle as well. If you work at a desk most of the time, you will have to reduce your calorie intake in order to consume less than you spend.

  1. Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated is crucial when it comes to maintaining your weight. You should have on average about two liters of water a day. But if you drink coffee you might need to also drink more water as caffeine can get you dehydrated really fast.

Always keep a mug of water close to your desk and a bottle of water every time you leave your home. Experts say that when you feel thirsty it is already too late for your body and you are heading on the path of dehydration.

  1. Talk to a specialist

When it comes to your weight, you might be taking unnecessary risks and putting too much stress on yourself if you try to manage it alone. So, if you can talk to a nutritionist who can help you balance your diet. A specialist will guide you towards the best choices for your body and health without you stressing yourself too much.

  1. Don’t act on impulses

The worst thing you can do when it comes to your eating habits is acting on impulses. Not having junk food in your house will make it easier to resist those impulses. The chances of you running to the store to get a snack are lower so make sure you cut this type of food from your kitchen.

  1. Work out regularly

In order to stay in shape you have to exercise. You don’t need to overdo it, though. Simply working out three times a week will be efficient enough. You could go for a run or try some other type of cardio that works best for you. If you don’t want to go to the gym you can easily work out in the comfort of your home. Yoga and stretching are great things to do for your body. Whatever you choose to do, don’t stop. Even 15 minutes of work out can dop a lot for your body.

  1. Reduce sugar to a minimum

Sugar is highly addictive and it comes in all forms. On one hand, you have the natural sugar from fruits, which is also the healthier option. On the other hand, you have the processed sugar that you should try to avoid at all costs. Stay away from sweets and other foods that are rich in sugar. Make a habit of reading the tags of the products you consume. This will help you know just what you eat so you know what to avoid.

  1. Stop comparing your body with others

We are all different and so are our bodies. According to your height and body structure, your weight might differ from the ideal weight of other people. And that’s ok, because you’re unique! And comparing yourself to others won’t do you any good.

  1. Give your body the rest it needs

When you sleep, your body resets and recharges its batteries for a new day. It boosts your metabolism and helps you digest and assimilate the food you eat. Make sure you sleep between seven and nine hours each night in order to wake up rested.

How To Stop Being Miserable & Be Happy


We all know that keeping ourselves in a good mood is not as easy as it sounds. We have our ups and downs and it might feel difficult to get back on track when we lose the positive outlook on our life. However, there are simple things that we can do to improve the quality of our lives significantly.

If you want to invest in your happiness, here are five very efficient habits that you can start working on today!

  1. Have a gratitude list

Knowing what you are grateful for in life can only bring you feelings of joy and happiness. And the easiest way to be aware of your blessings is to write them down on paper. This way you will see them and they will feel more present in your life.

Pretty often we forget about the positive things that we are blessed with each day because we choose to focus on the negative ones. This happens because the negative aspects of our lives tend to impact us at a deeper level. To equal the balance, simply make a list of a few things that you are grateful for each day. It could be the people in your life, some lucky events, or even a quality time by yourself. Doing this on a regular basis will help you see the world around you in brighter colors.

  1. Fill your life with what makes you happy

Excitement is the key to your daily happiness. But exciting events don’t just happen. There are times when you might have to create those moments in order to enjoy them.


get in charge of your own happiness and surround yourself with things, people and experiences that contribute to your daily excitement.

Related: 30 Ideas For Your Perfect Self Care Routine

The more you learn how to create your own excitement in life, the easier it will be for you to be happy and stay happy. Don’t just wait for it to happen, start creating your own happiness today!

  1. Invest in yourself

Invest in your education, body and soul. You are the most important person in your life. Your strong points are responsible for making you feel good about yourself. And if you focus more on them rather than your shortcomings that you can’t change, you will become an even better version of yourself.

Related: 10 Habits Of People Who Are Never Broke

  1. Keep an optimistic outlook on life

When it comes to succeeding in life, your attitude is everything. Try to stay focused on the brighter side of every situation. Keep in mind that every event has a good and bad side to it and that you can choose which one you concentrate on. If you concentrate on the positive aspect, you will see the happiness in everything you do, even in those things that don’t always turn the way you want them to.

You can try to meditate to keep your mind clear of negative thoughts or find a new relaxation technique like aromatherapy etc. Focus on yourself and you will find the best path for you in life without having to worry about any obstacle that might come in your way.

  1. Accept yourself

None of us is perfect.

As a matter of fact,

our imperfections hold the beauty of our human nature.

What we should do though, is to be aware of all our features and accept ourselves just the way we are. Learn to appreciate who you are at different levels so you can work on yourself and find even better ways to develop your life in the right direction. The direction YOU want! Try to stay away from comparing yourself to other people. Each one of us has their own path in life and we are gifted with different qualities.

Remember that happiness is more of a choice than something that simply happens to you. It’s your own choice and your actions! You’re in charge of your own happiness!

8 Easy Ways To Create A Relaxing Home


If you are not at work, chances are you’re probably at home. Your home should be the place where you mentally reset. And if you work from home, it’s even more important that you have your own relaxing space.

Are you relaxed when you’re at home? When you walk into your house, what do you feel?

You should be able to find your peace, recharge your batteries and enjoy quality time by yourself or with your loved ones. In order to get all these benefits from your home, you should make it a cozy place, just the way you need it. This doesn’t have to be difficult or involve a lot of money. It can be a simple strategy and trust me, the outcome will be impressive.

This post shares 8 extremely easy fixes to create a more relaxing home.

  1. Declutter & Organize

Coming into a cluttered home only increases your level of stress. Before anything else or any other home improvements, you should organize your space. Get rid of all the things you don’t really use. If you have items that you use rarely, but you don’t want to get rid off them, find a storage place. But for those goods that no longer serve you, you shouldn’t have any mercy. You can sell them online or simply donate them to people who might need it more than you do.

Once you got rid of the unnecessary items in your home, it is time to organize your space. Living in a messy house can add stress and frustration to your daily life. You will not be able to relax and even enjoy simple activities. Organize one room at a time until you go through the entire house. And remember – you don’t have to do it all in one day! Don’t stress yourself.

  1. Add Relaxing Colors

The colors in your home are pretty important as they can have a direct impact on your mood. Certain colors can make you feel relaxed or stressed and even anxious. To avoid negative feelings while you spend time at home, try to use pastel colors that usually offer a calm feeling.

Light shades of blue, green or pink could work great for your home decor. White and beige are also great choices. Vibrant colors can do more harm than good as they can increase the stress level.

  1. Add Relaxing Decor

Choose the decoration in your home wisely. Sometimes a decorative item can have a bigger impact in your life than you expect. For instance, adding some beautiful pillows that also look cozy on your couch and bed will definitely better your atmosphere. They will make your home feel more comfortable and you will enjoy your space even more! Also, you can add some soft rugs to spoil your feet every time you step on them. When it comes to decorative items, the sky is the limit. You will find everything you can think of on the market. If you are more on the exotic side, you can even add some indoor fountains.

  1. Bring Nature In – Bring Home Fresh Flowers

    tulips at home

Add a plant or two to de-stress your room. If the idea of taking care of plants feels overwhelming, bring home fresh flowers from time to time. It is such a lovely way to treat yourself.

Add a bouquet of fresh flowers to your home every now and then. I personally looove wild flowers. They add a fresh vibe to your place.

  1. Share Your Memories

The memories we gather along our life should be cherished. And what better way to cherish your memories and the best moments in your life than hanging pictures in your home? Print out favorite photos you might have with your friends and family and hang them in places where you can see them easily. They will bring a smile on your face every time you look at them.

  1. Invest In Bed Sheets

From your entire house, the bed is the most important piece of furniture. Investing in soft bed sheets can increase your comfort significantly. No matter how comfy your bed is, if your sheets are not following the same standards, chances are that you’re missing the opportunity to improve your sleep. Soft sheets are way more relaxing. Plus, they are very pleasant to the touch so it will be an investment worth making. A good tip is to purchase bed sheets with a high thread count.

Good bedding is essential to creating a lovely home. Having soft bed sheets helps recharge and actually sleep better.

  1. Light Some Candles

Aromatherapy can improve the entire vibe in your home. Nowadays, you can find plenty of scented candles to give you a relaxing fragrance. You can use scented candles that are in accordance with the season so you can emphasis beautiful autumn, winter, spring or summer day. There are also scented candles that will match festive events or holidays such as Christmas. Or you can simply use candles instead of electricity every now and then, especially when you take a bath.

If you love essential oils, an essential oil diffuser might also be worth having.

Related: 30 Daily Self Care Ideas

  1. Put On Relaxing Music

In order to create a relaxing atmosphere, you should put on some relaxing music. You can listen to any type of music that helps you relax. A good tip would be to keep the music at the minimum level so you can still focus on other things you might have to do.

Anyone can apply these ideas in order to make a more comfortable place out of their home. You might have others to add to this list, so please share your ideas in the comments below!