If you are running out of storage space in your home or if you feel like you are overwhelmed at your place, chances are you might need to declutter. Decluttering is one of the best things you can do for your home and ultimately for your life. It will not only free your home but it will also add some peace to your mind. Studies say that you should declutter your home at least twice a year and try to keep it tidy in order to avoid clutter in the first place.
If you never decluttered your space, the entire process might seem a bit challenging to you. But we put together a useful guide to help you with everything you need to do. So, keep on reading and make your space a much more comfortable home for you and your family!
Things you might want to declutter
The first thing you need to think about is what you should actually declutter. While this is a decision that will depend according to your space and the objects you have in your home, there still some general aspects that you should take into consideration.
Kitchen supplies
As you are decluttering your place you should go through all the rooms in your home. Start with the kitchen as you might find some burned and overused pans in your counters. Go through your plates and other kitchen supplies and check to see if they are still in good shape to be used. If not, most likely you should get rid of them.
Since you are decluttering your kitchen, you might want to get rid of your expired food and snacks. Many times we purchase food that we don’t get to consume before their expiration date. And you might be amazed to discover there are such items in your kitchen.
Make sure to check all the drawers and counters in order to eliminate all the excess you are not using in your kitchen. You will be impressed with how well you will feel after that and how much more functional your kitchen becomes.
Old clothes
Other common items that you might want to look at as you declutter are your outfits. Clothes can get bad fast or maybe they don’t fir you as they used to fit you. You will come across outfits you no longer like as they are not representative of your style. You should get rid of these clothes so you make space for new ones.
If you find some outfits that could still serve someone else you might want to give them to charity or even sell them. There are plenty of online stores that would purchase your second-hand clothes and if you don’t want to just throw them away this is a great option to consider.
Devices that are not functional
If you run into old devices of any kind you should check if they are working first. If they are not functional, you should most likely get rid of them. Unless you can sell them for parts which sometimes might be a way to still make some money on your broken items.but if that is not the case then the garbage is where they belong.
Besides the fact that you are just wasting space in your home by keeping such objects, you will also add a certain level of anxiety to your life. Holding on to items that no longer serve you gives you the impression of wealth without any substance to back it up.
Furniture pieces you don’t find useful
Some furniture pieces might be able to get repaired if you care about them so much to reinvest in them a second time. But others will simply not fit your scenario anymore. Getting rid of the furniture pieces that no longer go with your home’s design or that are broken and damaged beyond repair will free your home and help you live in a more minimalist way.
Look at your chairs, tables, broken shelves or drawers and decide which ones are worth keeping, which ones are worth saving and which ones you should get rid off. If you live in a minimalist house or aspire to live in one, chances are that you will find plenty of furniture items you no longer need. If that is the case don’t hold on to them. The space they take and the way they will disturb your home decoration is not worth the effort. But if you can value them in any way you should definitely go for that.
Keep an eye for those furniture pieces that you can convert according to your tastes and desires. Sometimes you can create a completely different object out of some wood you never thought you can use again. If you are a crafty person this can offer you the occasion to develop many interesting projects around your home!
Don’t forget about your digital declutter
If you use a computer you might want to look through its folders and programs as well. If you don’t clean your computer very often you will discover a lot of unorganized old files such as videos, pictures, or documents that you might want to go through. This type of decluttering might take you several hours so make sure you invest the time it deserves. But the good news is that you don’t have to go through it as often.
If you organize your computer files wisely and create a system that works for you, you will be able to maintain it clean. Cluttered computers tend to work slower and even get stuck or blocked.
A simple system would be to create a space for your personal files, one for work and one for other people that might use your computer. Uninstall any programs you no longer use and take space on your device. If you respect this system you shouldn’t have to deal with a slow computer any time soon. Plus, you will be able to find the files you need, when you need them with no hassle or frustration.
Tips to organize your home
Even if you declutter your house, you should still keep it organized at all times. Doing so will prevent you from gathering things you don’t need and reducing your comfort. To do that you should invest in organizers that help you group all the things that are alike in one place.
As for the things you can organize in your home, these can go from your kitchen plates and pans to your clothes. The market offers you plenty of products that can serve you in this purpose such as pans organizers, plates organizers, different closet dividers to use to separate your clothes and other similar products.
A great idea will be to invest in an organizer for your seasonings, bottles, and even your brushes. You can organize everything you have in your home in order to avoid a clutter of objects.
Keeping your purses, belts or scarfs as well as your shoes organized is equally important. This way you will find the accessories you want easier and you will also keep them in much better shape.
Research the market for the type of organizers you need once you declutter your house. You should invest in discreet organizers that will not be noticeable right away. By doing so you conserve the great aspect of your home and give it a touch of efficiency and functionality without disturbing the overall background.
Decluttering is important but even more important is maintaining your space in order. If you let it go for too long, you will have to spend one or even more days setting it straight. While this is a rewarding process at the end of it, you can still reduce the work you have to do by keeping your items in order.
If you find items you don’t use but you hold emotional value for them, you shouldn’t throw them away. Everything that brings you joy or happiness has a place in your home. Just make sure to store them correctly and give them the respect they deserve since they mean so much to you.