30 Days New You Challenge


Reaching a better version of yourself is never an easy path. But it is definitely one of the most important paths worth taking for yourself and to better your life on the long run. You might think that you need to invest a lot of time into discovering the best version of yourself.

Your personality and overall who you are as an individual can shape you into the person you aspire to be. But in order to build your personality, you might need to make some changes to your life. Here is all you have to know about this challenge and how you can make the most of it. You will need 30 days and at times even less than that to define your personality in a way that will compliment the life you want to have. It all depends on how diligent you are and what is your starting point. But assuming you start this challenge from scratch,here are the aspects you will have to understand and address in the next month to get where you want to be.

Why going through the new you challenge

Do you have to go through such a challenge to begin with? The truth is that this challenge is not for everyone but those who decide to give it a try will discover new sides of their individuality that they will want to keep.

If you have often moments when you feel like you are not in touch with your personality or if you feel like you don’t know yourself very in depth, this challenge is for you. We all have our own personality, nevertheless. But the important thing is to discover it and shape it into its better form. We also like to be noticed for our qualities and our positive traits. And this is hard if we don’t know how to evaluate ourselves and show the world just what we have to offer.

If you find yourself in such a situation, you will only gain from the 30 days new you challenge.


What goal should you keep in mind

Keep in mind that this challenge is not meant to change who you are as a person. As a matter of fact it is quite the opposite. It is the type of journey that will enhance who you are at many levels. You should remember to look for the original and genuine you and help it develop in an even better direction.

Picture the best version of yourself based on the type of person you are, your education, your dreams and your skills. Having an idea regarding the direction you want to go towards will help you go through this 30 days challenge easier and make the best out of it!


How to set the right expectations

We can already tell that you set certain expectations even before starting the 30 days new you challenge. This is not entirely wrong as long as you don’t have unrealistic expectations. This challenge will not change who you are as an individual. This is simply not its goal. But you can expect to discover yourself with a lot more defined qualities than the ones you already have. We understand that you might feel insecure and stressed because you find it difficult to define your personality. But this feeling of being uneasy will change as soon as you give this challenge a try.

At the end of this challenge you will be more at peace with yourself and like yourself more. There will be ways in which you understand yourself that you never experienced before. There is also the option of finding out that the way you are now is exactly the way you want to be. The outcome differs from one person to another and you might astonish yourself.

By following this 30 days challenge all the way through, you will also discover new sides of the people that are close to you. Doing so will help you appreciate your friends and family members but also your partner to a different and even deeper level.


The new you challenge

As this challenge is not complicated at all, there are still a few steps that you should follow in order to be successful at it.


1. Evaluate who you truly are

You can’t possibly change or better who you are without a proper evaluation first. Define who you are as you start this challenge or is not going to work the way you expect it to work. This might require several days of analyzing yourself from an objective point of you. And you might be surprised to find out that this can also be the most difficult part.

You will find this first step to be easier if you make two lists: one with what you like about yourself and one with what you are not so found of. This will give you a clearer vision on your traits, both negative and positive ones. And you will find it a lot easier to better your negative traits once you see them in front of your eyes. Look at both lists and understand where you start this challenge at. You will get to know yourself better and feel better equipped to develop your personality that everyone will love.


2. Get and stay inspired

Inspiration is the key to many successes and you shouldn’t underestimate its power. This second step will actually be one of the most entertaining steps. This is the time to get a role model. You can choose a movie or book character that you aspire to be as. Or you can even choose a real person or a celebrity that inspires you. As long as the role model you pick is bringing the best in you out to the surface, you have made the right choice.

It is important to realize that you will not become a copy of your role model. You will just allow them to inspire you and guide you in the direction that you feel will represent you. Such a model should help you become better at what you are doing and invest more quality time into who you want to be. You can get inspired by their accomplishments or overall their style which, in turns, will help you define your own style.


3. Design a strategy

You will find it nearly impossible to improve yourself without a proper strategy. This is why you should work on a plan. Put your plan together before you start you 30 days new you challenge. You will have to follow this plan through from the first day of your transformation journey. So, give it much thought and make sure you are comfortable with it as much as possible.

First of all you will focus on your positive traits. Get the list you made in step one and find interesting ways to improve these qualities you have even more. If you like to keep your house clean, think about how you can use this skill to keep other areas of your life organized. Maybe you have a developed sense of fashion and you want to extend it to other areas of your life. For instance, you can use this sense for aesthetics to decorate your home in a more trendy way.

Once you are done with your qualities it is time to focus on your shortcomings. Look at the list with things you are not so proud of and consequently think of strategies to fix them. If you forget important aspects of your day often you might want to start using a planner. Or if you eat at irregular hours, do your best to set up a meal schedule and stick to it. The adjustments you will make should depend completely on the type of traits you put down on your two lists.

Ultimately, you will look at your role model. Write down the most important things that inspire you about this person and try to add them to your life. Some of them will need to be modified in order to suit you best. Others will be easier to add. But they will all improve yourself and bring you closer to the new you that you aim to be.


4. Implement your strategy

The strategy above will not help you any unless you put it into action. So hold yourself accountable for the changes you need to make in your life so that you can add as many steps to your daily life. You might have to let your family or close friends know about your 30 days challenge plan so that they can help you stay on track. It is very easy to not stick to a new routine so you will need extra help. Those close to you will gladly help you improve yourself and take the steps you need in that direction.

It will be very useful to create a daily schedule that you can stick to. Include in it your morning routine as well as your work schedule and relaxation hours. You should take care of your priorities in a day but also of your self care routine. Implement these activities to the best of your abilities and you should see improvements every week!



While the 30 days new you challenge is not for everyone, it can definitely help everyone who chooses to stick to it. You will notice that you become closer to the new version of yourself with every change you add to your life. But it is essential to stay determined and find the right source of motivation to keep you walking this path until you get to where you want to be. At the end of the line, you will like yourself a lot more and gain more confidence in your potential!

Habits For A Better Mental Health


Your mental health should always be a priority for you. It is not something you do spontaneously in your life. You should watch the impact different life events have on you and manage this impact to the best of your ability. You want to have a mental health that is strong enough to help you go through life with a good judgment and a great stability in terms of your psychic.

The following habits will be a life saver when you need to strengthen your mental health and improve it. Incorporate them into your routine and you will find yourself with a much better mental health before you know it!


Best habits for improving mental health

Add these habits to your daily routine in order to contribute to your mental health and take care of it for the long run. Keep in mind that your brain is in need of constant attention and you should make sure your mind stays healthy throughout your life to the best of your abilities.


Skip multi-tasking

If you have a hectic schedule or if you want to cover a lot of tasks at the same time, you might find yourself multi-tasking. But even if this seems to be a remarkable skill, it is not a healthy one for your brain. You will overuse your mind and most likely get tired in a faster way. Plus, you might not even be able to do all the things you want to do at the same quality.

So, instead of multitasking, you might want to pick your tasks wisely. Think of your most important priorities and try to cover those first. This will free your schedule later on when you can take care of what you truly love to do. Mixing your priorities with your hobbies or taking care of more things at the same time will mentally drain you.



Meditation can be one of the most powerful weapons you have in order to strengthen your mental health. Only ten minutes of meditation each day can clear your mind and help you find the balance you need. You can always meditate more especially during a stressful time.

When you meditate, try to empty your mind of all the thoughts and relax your body. You should find a place with no distractions and where you can focus only on the feeling of peace. If you are a beginner at meditation, you might want to use a guided meditation session. These sessions come free with many apps and on many websites online so all you do is run a search. They will have a calming voice that guides you through the entire meditation time so that you can relax and be at peace easier.

Before you know it, you will crave your ten minutes of meditation as they contribute so much to your peace of mind. You can try meditating in the morning, in the evening or sporadically throughout the day as you feel the need to reduce tension. Don’t worry, you will find the perfect meditation style for you soon enough!


Take care of yourself

Self care is incredibly effective when it comes to your mental health. You should invest time into taking care of your body, mind and soul equally. Keeping these three aspects of yourself in harmony is essential for your mental health.

Pamper yourself with a hot bath every now and then, listen to your favorite music and maybe try out aromatherapy with some scented candles. Pay attention to the type of information and even entertainment that you invite into your life. Not all tv shows are healthy for your mind and not all relationships you have serve you.

Besides taking care of your body and mind you should also watch your emotions as this is an important part of self care as well. Keep your emotions in balance and try your best to reduce drama to a minimum. You don’t need extra stress in your life, especially if you can avoid it.


Have quality time to people you love

Your mental health will also be directly influenced by the people you welcome into your life. If you want to improve your mental health and maintain it on a positive route you should keep close to those you love and love you. Positive interactions are essential for a healthy mind and overall a balanced lifestyle.

In order to decide which relationships are worth keeping,. you might have to evaluate them with a critical eye. This is not always easy. You might find that you have conflicted feelings as you decide if there are any relationships that you need to end. Keeping people who love you close to you is going to give you a confidence boost and they will help you deal with all the challenges that come in your life. Plus, you might be surprised as you discover which relationships are not worth to keep in your life. It could be overwhelming to cut those people off your life but it will be rewarding nevertheless.



Working out is not effective only for your body and the way you look but also for your brain. As you exercise, your mind will get into a more positive and even happier mood. You will feel more gratitude regarding the good things in your life and you will find yourself in a much better vibe. This can keep your mental health on the right path and keep you in shape at the same time.

Life can get in the way of your working out schedule, though. But if you aim to exercise at least three times a week you should be on the right track. You don’t need to do it every day even if some stretching and minimum activity on a daily basis will definitely help. When it comes to exercising choose what works for you and go at your own step. As long as you do something to keep your body moving, you are doing a great job. Your mind will get the signal and start supporting you better in return.


Watch your lifestyle

Everything you incorporate into your lifestyle will have a positive or a negative impact on your mental health. Strive to create a lifestyle that brings more positivity to you than negativity.

Eating healthy is part of a good lifestyle that will empower your mental health. Try to eat a variety of veggies and fruits in order to offer your body and brain all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients they need. Add veggies to your meals and snack on fruits in the first part of the day. Your meat should also be lean and low on fat so you enjoy the protein that comes with it. It is better to choose to cook your meat with less salt and add plenty of herbal seasonings to it.

Besides your diet, your sleeping schedule is quite as important too. Studies show that you should sleep around eight hours a night but as you get to know your body and your mind better you might learn that you can get away with seven or even six hours. Some people need more sleep than just eight hours. The type of work you do and how emotional your life is will also have an impact on your sleeping schedule.


Reduce your time on social media

Spending hours on social media can be easy and indulging in it might surprise you. This is the big trap of social media and all social networks are designed to keep you addicted to them. But as entertaining as social media can be, you will find soon enough that it has a negative effect on your mind health. You will get exposed to a bunch of information that will not serve you and you will open the door for a lot of unnecessary drama.

Instead of spending so much time on social media you might want to limit it to just checking your messages once a day. This time could be in the morning or in the evening or even during your lunch break. Once you checked your accounts you should be good to move to more important activities on your to do list.

As you reduce your time on social media networks your brain will silently thank you for it. You will feel more focused on the things that really matter to you and you will find yourself less stressed. Your mental health will be stronger as days go by and you will not have to worry about all the things you come across on social media, that don’t matter.



It is essential to incorporate these habits into your daily life as part of your routines. As soon as you make them part of what you do on a regular basis, you will invest into your mental health without even realizing it. As time passes you will be aware of how sharp your mental health becomes and the things you are able to process with less stress.

How To Get Your Life Together

Adulthood is not easy and it doesn’t come with all the instructions you need to succeed at it. The truth is that many times, the only reason your life is not together as you want it to be is you. This is why we put together a complex guide on how to become the person you want to be in order to live the life you deserve! So keep reading and better all aspects of your life by simply bettering yourself!

Why you might feel like you need to get your life together

You might feel overwhelmed and consumed by daily tasks that should, otherwise, be easy and even pleasant. Your unproductive routines might work for a while but you will most likely decide one day that you want a better life. All that wasting time on things that are not important and can even alter the quality of your life will need to be reduced. Your mindset will need to be addressed and you will want to be more in touch with yourself and the world around you.

If you discover that your life is not bringing you the joy you want and you have no time for all your favorite activities, it might be time for some adjustments. This is when you will decide to take the action needed in order to get your life together. And this guide will help you do just that! If you reached this guide you are probably in that day when change becomes a necessity more than a want or simply a thought. You considered changing your habits for a while and now you are ready to do all it takes to see the results you expect!

Getting your life together is one of the most important things you can do if you want to reach your goals. Whatever your future plans are, it will be that much harder to get them if your life is a chaotic gathering of events. So, self discipline as well as the right determination, schedule and attitude will make all the difference, among other details.

How to get your life together

The following tips will help you get your life together but also become a better person along the way. Remember that your life is a mirror of who you are as a person and if you are not ready to better yourself, you will never be ready to receive all the life gifts that you should enjoy on a daily basis. Implementing these tips will not be hard but it will require you to be diligent enough to invest the effort in this process.

Stay on top of the housework

One of the first aspects that you need to put order in is your home. The place you live in is very important for your overall being but also for your life and the direction it takes. You don’t have to live in a fancy house in order to get to where you want in life but you have to take care of your place. The moment your chores become overwhelming you will feel stressed and your mind will not be in the right place.

So, before you move any further with your plan of getting your life together, start by taking care of your pending chores around your home. You don’t have to go through all the chores from the beginning, just start with the simple things.

  • Wash the dishes
  • Make your bed
  • Arrange your room
  • Water your plants
  • Change your bedding
  • Dust
  • Vacuum
  • Do your laundry
  • Air your house

You know best what needs to be done around your house but the main point is that as much as you reduce your chores, as much peace of mind you will get. A clean house can do miracles for your mind and you will find yourself able to think of many other things as you get the chance to breathe comfortably in your space. Cleaning your house will also keep anxiety and depression away from you. You will be in a more positive mood as you look around you and everything is in order.

A good tip to consider regarding your chores is that you should include them into a routine that you can follow. Having a weekly cleaning routine as well as a daily one can really be a good plan for getting your life together. You could save the more important cleaning tasks for your weekend when you have more time and keep washing dishes and other minor chores for your daily routine.

Invest time in self-care

Just as taking care of your house is important, taking care of yourself is equally vital. If you let yourself go, you will not be prepared enough to take your life into your own hands as you want to do. Respecting yourself also means taking care of your emotional, physical and spiritual needs. And there is no way to go around that if you want to get your life on track.

You can start by spoiling yourself with a good, soothing bath and using your favorite skin care products. Taking care of your body is very important and you shouldn’t neglect it. Engage in all the beauty ritual you feel comfortable with and relax as often as you get the chance.

Staying in shape should be one of your priorities as well. As a matter of fact, you should transform working out into a routine. You might not have the time to work out daily but you could do it at least three times a week. If you feel comfortable joining a gym this might be a wonderful idea. But you can also find various ways to work out at home or simply go for a run every now and then. Running can be extremely therapeutic!

But self-care also implies eating a healthy and balanced diet. Make sure you get all the nutrients you need each day from fruits, veggies and other quality foods that will give you the energy to be productive. Try to reduce or eliminate excess of any vice as it can not only damage your health but also alter your mood in a way that will not work for you.

Here are a few actionable tips that you can apply right away in order to feel better in your own skin!

  • Exercise as often as you can
  • Spoil yourself
  • Learn to relax and meditate
  • Have a balanced diet
  • Get rid of unhealthy vices
  • Use face masks and other skin care products
  • Take care of your manicure and pedicure
  • Nourish your hair
  • Drink enough water

Have the right mindset to support the life you want for yourself

As you are done with cleaning your house and giving yourself a much needed self-care time, you can move on to deeper aspects of yourself. Having the right mindset for instance, is one of the keys to putting your life together. Unless your mind is in the right place, you will not be able to build the life you aspire to have.

A right mindset is the type of mindset that pushes you to move forward in life, it keeps you motivated and positive and gives you the power to cope with all obstacles you might encounter. Confidence is also part of a right mindset and so is the trust in the fact that you can do everything you aim to do.

In order to do that you should evaluate where your mindset is to begin with. You might be dealing with fears, depression or different levels of anxiety and stress. If you identify one or more of these aspects, you should address them to the best of your ability. If you need professional help, don’t hesitate to ask for it. You should do whatever you need to do in order to get your mindset in the right track.

Work on your patience as well as your self-esteem. If you are to get your life together you need to build the confidence for that first. You can do everything you set your mind to do and there is a lot of truth in that so all you have left to do is believe it and apply it! Reduce the sources of stress in your life and deal with those that are necessary in a more constructive way. Try not to procrastinate as this will definitely add to your anxiety and stress. And take time off in order to clear your mind and get it on a more positive and productive track.

Getting the mindset you need is not as complicated as it might seem, if you take the time to invest in this aspect of your life. Include the following tips in your daily routines in order to get your mindset to work for you!

  • Identify the sources of stress in your life and eliminate them or control them
  • Read positive quotes and affirmations
  • Indulge in healing routines such as a beauty routine or meditation
  • Don’t procrastinate
  • Take time to relax

Set up goals

Staying motivated is nothing without having the goals to work towards. So, if you didn’t set up your goals already, this is the right time to do it. Why do you want to get your life together? Is there a special reason that determines you to put order in your daily affairs and in your mind? Maybe you have a vision for your future and you need to start working towards it.

Setting your goals will motivate you to get your life in order and invest the timer you need to better yourself. Your goals could be anything from things related to your health, love life, career or simple objectives you want to achieve.

Think about the most important areas of your life and how you would like them to be in an ideal case. Once you determine that, write down your goal in a notebook or simply a piece of paper you can stick to your fridge. As long as you can see these goals constantly so you can keep your eyes on the prize, all options are good.

The best and most efficient way to do that though, would be by using a goal planner. You can find these at budget-friendly prices on the market and they can be a true life changer for you. Start by establishing your long term goals such as five year ones or one year ones. Then break these down into monthly goals, weekly goals and even daily goals. Every time you feel stressed or anxious, it will help you a lot to look at your goal planner and see exactly the path you are taking. You will also feel more motivated and inspired to do the things you want to do.

Setting up your goals is not a complex task if you do it correctly. As a matter of fact, this process might be as natural as any other process if you let everything flow.

  • Invest in a planner or use your phone or computer to set up your goals
  • Identify your long term goals
  • Break the long term goals into monthly and weekly goals
  • Establish the daily tasks that will help you be more productive towards your goals

Adjust your attitude to work for you

In order to reach your goals, you will need to adjust your attitude. The wrong attitude can keep you away from reaching your goals and changing your life for the better.

Before we dive into how you can change your attitude to make it work for you and not against you, you should understand what a wrong attitude is. Wrong attitude involves sabotaging your own progress by not acknowledging it, keeping negative thoughts and feelings present in your mind and a significant lack of confidence. While you might catch yourself falling into one or more of these traps, having them all the time can never work in your favor. And if you notice that such traits start to control your mood and consequently your actions, you need to change them with most productive ones!

You might need to adjust your attitude if you find yourself being too pessimistic regarding your life. Sure, your life might not be in order and there might be some work you have to do to organize it but it is most likely less dramatic than you imagine. Focusing on the good things in your life will help you switch from a pessimistic outlook to one full of gratitude and even an optimistic one. You could write down your wins in order to help your mind drop some of that pessimistic attitude as well.

Another reason that might require you to change your attitude is anxiety. Getting anxious is very easy especially if you don’t have a lot of patience. Getting your life together will require time and effort. Depending on the goals you want to reach this could take weeks, months and…yes, even years. Understand that the journey you are on matters just as much as the destination you want to be at. Appreciating every step of the way will help you be more patient and enjoy everything you are doing a little more.

If your attitude is aligned with your goals, it could become a useful weapon in getting your life together. More than that, you will find your attitude to be a real boost of optimism and somewhat of a silent encouragement you enjoy each day!

To have a boosting attitude all you need is to adjust some aspects of your life.

  • Try to control and reduce your pessimist thoughts and feelings
  • Surround yourself with positive affirmations
  • Get rid of toxic people and relationships
  • Love yourself more
  • Take care of yourself on a daily basis
  • Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and give yourself room to make mistakes in order to grow through life


The decision to get your life together is an important one and it is one that will be hard to avoid for too long. You can postpone it and delay it out of a variety of reasons but eventually, you will get to it. And the benefits of this decision are countless.

You will be proud of yourself with every small change you make. On top of that, you will feel determined to reach your goals and life a more productive and fulfilled life. So, try not to delay this decision too long as it is one of the best things you can do for yourself.