How To Stop Taking Things Personally


On some days, we tend to feel as if the whole universe is taking time out of its busy schedule to ruin our lives. We tend to mess everything up, we arrive late on our perfectly planned events, and sometimes, we tend to miss all of the important stuff that we should be at. If you are one of those people who feels like their whole life is falling apart, read on this article, because it can thoroughly help you out.

Would you believe that most of the time, what you are feeling is just a result of you taking everything personally? Sure, it may sound kind of rattling and offending, but if you think about it, it is true. Sometimes, we tend to forget that most of the problems we encounter are simple things, and we can easily get past them. We suddenly fall into this pit of anxiety, self-blame, and recklessness that will eventually eat us up inside.

If you are dealing with issues like these, you do not have to stay this way. You can take baby steps into fixing everything up, and eventually, you will find yourself in a more peaceful and beautiful state. In order to help you out, here are five amazing steps to take for stopping yourself when it comes to taking everything personally.

Six Steps for a More Peaceful Life

  1. Reassess the Things that You Believe In

Sometimes, we tend to believe the things that our brain tells us to think. For example, when you greet someone, you would initially think that they will greet you back. When they don’t, you will start feeling anxious and beat yourself up with it, even though the real thing that happened is they did not see or hear you.

These are the things that will continuously consume you if you do not reassess them right away. Using the previous example, you need to think about the ridiculous things that you usually think about. By acknowledging the fact that things are the way they are, you will get to move on from these little mind-boggling thoughts, and you will be able to relax more because you will not stress out about them.

  1. Fill Your Timeline With Activities

Another step you can take to stop taking everything personally is to fill your timeline with fun and informational activities. By doing this, you will get to distract yourself from everything you have been thinking about, and you will find the time to be more productive.

This part is also quite useful if you have this constant anxiety about what other people are thinking of you. If you are too busy for other things, you are certainly too busy to care about what other people are thinking. That is the most important part, since by flushing away all the negative energy, you will get to absorb and enjoy a lot of positivity in your life.

  1. Remember that You Cannot Control Everything

When it comes to life, there are certain things that we can and cannot control. Problems and other challenges in our lives are inevitable, which is why it is important to take note that we cannot get a hold of them all the time. By setting your mind this way, you will become more peaceful, and you will be able to do things a lot easier than you did before.

Stressing yourself out over things that you cannot control will not help you improve and grow. If you want to move on with problems you are currently facing, acknowledge the fact that some of them are just there to annoy you. Find a way to go around them, and forget them as you continue on with your life. Eventually, things will get better, and you will find yourself having a healthier perspective.

  1. Get a Hold of Your Emotions, Absorb Them, and then Let Them Go

One of the most effective methods of freeing yourself from this dragging mindset is to acknowledge your emotions. In the book “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom, his former professor (Morrie Schwartz) taught him how to handle his emotions effectively. Morrie said that in order for you to process your emotions, you have to feel them first.

If you are feeling happy, stay happy, absorb it, and move on. When you are feeling sad, absorb the sadness, acknowledge that it is happening, and let go of it. The same process goes on for other emotions, and Morrie actually had moments in the book wherein he portrayed this effective process.

If you are thinking that this is just a book, you are totally wrong. This book is based on Mitch Albom’s life experiences with his former professor. If they can get through all the challenges they faced, you can definitely get through yours too. Start with this simple process, and you will notice one day that your life is slowly getting onto the positive side of things.

5. Start Believing in Yourself

The deal with taking things personally is that it will take a big hit on your self-esteem. You will start to doubt yourself, your skills, your looks, basically everything about you, and you will tend to think more about what other people are thinking of you. This is an unhealthy mindset, and you should get rid of it as soon as possible.

By believing in yourself, you will tend to get more confident when it comes to the things you love. You will be able to express yourself in a more delicate manner, and you will inspire others to follow your lifestyle. It does not sound bad at all, considering that you will be a positive influence when it comes to other people.

If you do not know where to start, you can simply feed yourself with the “placebo effect”. If you do not know what the placebo effect is, it is the method of tricking your brain that you are well, even though your body says otherwise. If your brain sends those good signals to your body, your cells will regenerate faster. This is why it is used for patients with physical ailments. Of course, it may also be used for people that are dealing or struggling with anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses.

By telling yourself that you are doing good on a daily basis, you will eventually reach a point wherein you believe the positive words you are saying. You will have a new outlook in life, and you will forget the things that you used to take personally.

  1. Start the Change Within

If you want these positive changes to take place in your life, you should take the first step today. Nothing bad will happen if you embrace change, especially if it is a good change. Slowly, but surely, this process can help you become a better person and individual that can influence your society with a newfound respect for life.

Taking things personally could provide a lot of negative effects on our physical and mental health. Avoid this mindset by taking the steps that are listed above. The day will come when you will wake up, get out of your bed with a new glow, and face the rest of your day with a healthier and more positive mindset.

How To Stop A Panic Attack


Not many things can make a healthy man as debilitating as a panic attack. It feels like the world has stopped and you feel overrun by intense fear supported by crippling physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, trembling, chest pain, nausea, sweating, or pounding heart. A panic attack can last anywhere from five to twenty minutes – a period in which you lose the ability to reason logically or clearly.

What’s even worst is that you don’t have to be in a life treating situation to experience a panic attack. It can happen while you are asleep in bed, at a restaurant, or even while hiking. It all starts with an intense surge of fear that is followed by the other crippling symptoms.

Symptoms of Panic Attack:

Before we go into how to deal with a panic attack, we need to recognize its symptoms. The list of the most common symptoms include:

  • Shaking
  • Increased heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Chest discomfort
  • Stomach upset
  • Nausea
  • Heat sensations
  • Chills
  • Tingling or mumbling
  • Fear of dying
  • Fear of losing control
  • Feelings of unreality

Sometimes they are triggered by something, while other times they may come out of nowhere. Typically, they reach their peak within minutes. But regardless of how much they last or the extent of their peak, they can feel overwhelmingly unsetting.

Here’s how to prevent panic attacks from happening in the first place.

Unfortunately, when you got hit by a panic episode, you need to wait for it to run its course. Because of that, it is evenly important to take preventive measures as it is important to know how to cope with it once it hits. After all, preventing the problem before happening is always the smartest play.

Your physical health is the single most important factor that influences your stress tolerance which means your anxiety attacks. Generally speaking, the healthier you are, your stress tolerance will be much higher.

To that end, consider maintaining a healthy diet, being physically active, and having good night sleep habits. Furthermore, lower your alcohol and caffeine intake as both can worsen your anxiety symptoms.

Mindfulness, regular relaxation, and cognitive-behavioral therapy can also be very helpful preventive measures. Behavioral therapy can help you deal with your fears safely, whereas cognitive therapy teaches you how to control yourself when you are under an anxiety attack.

Structured relaxation and mindfulness activities such as yoga and meditation can have a very positive effect on both your physical and mental symptoms.

Stopping Panic: What to Do When Having a Panic Attack

Here are some strategies that have worked for many people faced with panic attacks.

Deep Breathing

Various breathing techniques can be very helpful when faced with a panic attack. One of them includes breathing in through the nose and holding it for about five seconds before breathing out through the mouth. Then you repeat the sequence. If you want to learn about the different breathing techniques, you should take a class in meditation. There you can learn different breathing techniques.

Talk to Yourself

Once you are aware that you are having a panic attack, you need to convince yourself that this too will pass and you will be fine soon enough, just need to wait it out and let the panic attack run its course.

To that end, remind yourself that there is no real danger. You can practice a verbal response such as “This will pass” or “I am not afraid”.

According to modern medicine, there is no need to distract yourself and face your panic attack head-on. Don’t fight it, but identify, acknowledge it, and let it run its course while you are being fully aware of the situation. Just keep on reminding yourself that this is temporary and it shall pass soon enough.

Ground Yourself

First, notice five things around you, then four things that can be touched, then three that can be heard, two that can be smelled, and one thing that can be tasted.

That way your mind is not focused on fear and doesn’t run around bouncing from one to another worry.

This is a common exercise often recommended by physicians to people that suffer from frequent panic attacks.


H.A.L.T. is an acronym for hungry, angry, lonely, tired. These are four feelings that not only can bring out the worst from anyone, but they are potential triggers for panic attacks.

So when panic attack symptoms start to appear, ask yourself – am I hungry? Am I angry? Am I tired?

A positive answer can help you cope with your panic attack easier. For example, if you are hungry, head to the fridge for a quick bite. If it is because you feel lonely maybe you should reach out to a friend or a family member.

In any case, coping is much easier when you know what’s behind your panic attack.

Progressive Relaxation

As mentioned earlier, panic attacks are not just in your head as they tend to manifest through your body. For some people, increased muscle tension is one of the symptoms.

In that’s the case, tense one muscle and then relax it. Then do that to another muscle. Repeat that to every muscle that could benefit from this exercise. You can stop when the whole body feels relaxed or when the panic attack stops.

Start counting backward from 100 by 3s

The very act of counting is kinda like an override of anxious thoughts that try to crawl into your mind. This is a technique that increases your focus and makes you feel calmer. All that can significantly decrease the severity of your panic attack.

Put a Stop to the “What ifs”

Most panic attacks are fueled by the “what if” thoughts within our heads.

For example, What if I don’t pass this exam? What if the interview goes sideways? What if I fail on this audition as well? What if everyone hates my art? What if I run into my ex?

Very often, even the worst-case scenarios are not as bad as they seem at that moment. But when you are in the middle of a panic attack you can’t reason and think clearly. Again, it all comes down to being aware of what’s going on in that moment and convincing yourself to wait it out, let it pass, and don’t spiral into further confusion.

The fewer “what ifs” the less severe your panic attack will be.

Recall a Favorite Memory

Creating a mental list of imagery that makes yourself calm when under a panic attack is a nit trick. For best results, choose a favorite event and imagine as many details as possible. Think of all the surroundings, the smells, the sounds, the people, the laughs, the interactions, pretty much anything that happened and you can recall. That will place your brain on a different track, one that is on the opposite side of your panic attack.

However, this is pretty much against everything we’ve advocated for, in terms of dealing with panic attacks. That’s so because this is creating a distraction. But when nothing else works, and nothing else works for you at the moment, this might do the trick.

It does work for many people suffering from panic attacks. There are hundreds of thousands of people that deal with their panic attacks using this method.


Each of these ways has been helpful to folks suffering from panic attacks. If you can apply some of them, your panic attacks won’t be so severe and extreme. Once the severity of the symptoms starts to wear out, you will know that you are on the right track. It is not a fast process, but if you are persistent in your attempts to prevent and stop panic attacks, at one point they will go away.

The Ultimate Blueprint on How to Get Through a Bad Mental Day (Without Visiting A Psychiatrist)


There are days when you can barely make yourself get up from your bed, let alone go to work or do anything productive.


Things like that can happen to anyone, even if you didn’t have any prior anxiety or other mental issues. And it’s okay to have a bad and not wanting to go to work.


What matters most is to be able to go through it so that the next day, you don’t feel down as well.


To that end, we’ve made a list of recommendations on how to get through one such day. They might look like simplistic strategies, but they tend to get the job done. You might not find each one of them helpful, but some will surely do the trick.


All of them have been endorsed by professional psychologists and online counselors.


Here’s what we got.


Give Yourself Time to Rest and Sleep

Don’t feel like getting up from bed? Then don’t. Spend an hour, two, or even three more hours sleeping or just resting.

By resting, you are giving your mind a time to repair and refresh itself. Most people undervalue the significance of rest. Sometimes a short, 20-minute nap, can make all the difference in the world as you will come out of it recharged and ready to face whatever the remaining of the day can throw at you.

Don’t beat yourself up for the additional time you spend resting or sleeping. Also, that doesn’t mean you should spend the entire day in bed as that will be contra-productive.


Enough With the Sleep And Rest….It’s Time for Something Else

So, you’ve got your beauty sleep, now it is time for something else. That else being dragging yourself from the bed and taking a steamy shower. Your mind will be telling you not to get up and stay in bed, but you need to find the strength to get off the clutches of your bed.

The order of things is a shower, a full breakfast, and dressing up. Find something nice to wear, not what you typically wear at work or when on a grocery run. It’s guaranteed that will make you feel better.


Reach Out to a Friend & Go Out

It doesn’t have to be your best friend, but anyone that has some free time on their hands and is available to meet you.

Go for brunch, lunch, or even for just a cup of coffee. Ideally, find a place you’ve never been to before, but you didn’t have the time to visit it.

The idea here is to take you away from your home and get you socializing with other people. A cup of your favorite coffee and a simple conversation to a friend won’t solve any underlying mental issue, but you won’t feel that bad.


Being surrounded by other people always help.

Even if you can’t find a friend to keep you company, you should grab that coffee or head for brunch. Sometimes we find comfort even in the smallest things like small talk with an absolute stranger or the waiter that brings our meal.


This is What Comes Next

You’ve probably heard of nature therapy or ecotherapy. In Sweden, a physician can prescribe exactly that a week of nature therapy. That’s spending a certain period in outdoor surroundings. For example, within a forest.

Considering that you don’t have that much time on your hands, but probably just the rest of the day, the best course of action is to head out to the nearest park. The bond between nature and people is ongoing. At the same time, the therapeutical effect that nature has over people is proven in actual studies conducted by some of the most renowned universities and research centers in the world.

Sometimes, just an hour spent in the nearest park, just embracing and appreciating the surrounding, walking among the trees, can feel profoundly fulfilling.


When You Go Back Home

At first, that might feel like going back to the scene of the crime. But worry not, because by now you should feel somewhat recharged and refreshed. Plus, there is a lot you can do so you don’t fall back in the same bad mood once you are back home.

To keep up with the accumulated positive energy, you might want to turn your attention toward some “feel good” type of food.

There are over 160 studies on how food affects our mood and the brain in general. What’s common for all of those studies is that they all acknowledge the influence food has over our brain, mood, and it links to mental conditions.

To that end, you should consider consuming dark chocolate, quinoa, salmon, foods that contain probiotics (sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, etc), beef, poultry, leafy greens, turnip greens, bok choy, grapes, and so on.

Those are all foods that can have a profoundly positive effect on your mental condition.

If you are out of healthy foods, call it a cheat day, and go for some comfort food like ice cream. The idea is to keep your spirits high and not fall in the same abyss as before.


Before Calling it a Day

One way to forget your problems is to turn your focus over something else, even if they are fictional characters from some TV show. So, the advice here is to watch a TV show or a movie, anything that will distract your mind from your issues. This too is a common distraction technique that in all honesty doesn’t work in the long run. But if you need to go through that particular day, it works like a charm.


To Conclude

There is no eastern world philosophy here, nor some spectacular recommendations. Just a set of recommendations and tips on how to make it through a bad day. Each of them has been tested in practice by folks like you.

However, consider this a short fix. Something that can get you through your bad mental day. Dealing with the root of your mental problems is another matter that you need to address as well.

However, that’s something that requires a somewhat different approach and usually the involvement of a professional psychiatrist or a counselor.

The No-Bullshit Guide on How to Reinvent Yourself When You are Feeling Lost


Feeling lost?


Feeling desperate to find yourself again?


It is truly awful to feel like that, but it doesn’t have to be like that for too long. There is a way out of the abyss, even though it feels like there isn’t.


But how? Your mind must be pressing for answers right now. Well, check out no-bullshit guide on how to rediscover yourself again. There is no going around the bush, fancy metaphors, no motivational quotes.


We simply cut to the chance and give straight answers. That’s why we call it a “No-Bullshit Guide”.


Keep on reading to find out how this works.


Where to Start?

Start by making a timeline of your life so far. Grab a pen and paper, and list your past accomplishments, your regrets, all the major highlights in your life, both good and bad.

When you write down the positive ones, stop for a moment, think how good you felt at that point, and all the great things that came from that.

When you are writing down the negative ones, think about the lessons and experience you’ve gained from that.

Next, create another list. This one needs to contain your dreams and goals.

This exercise is not just fun, but also very beneficial. It’s very popular with psychologists and life coaches trying to help people find their way once again. What’s great about it is that it gives you a structure, a sense of direction, and a new perspective on what your life is all about.

Once you are done with all that, you can turn towards other things. Here’s a list of practical exercises that will bring high dividends in your effort to reinvent yourself.


Take Responsibility and Accept Your Reality

The fact that you are reading this means that you’ve already done the first step in the right direction and that you are taking responsibility for your life. Recognize that you have strayed away from who you are and accept it.

It happened, and it is now time to do something about it, to get unstuck and move forward.

The point is not to live in the past. Let your self-acceptance be your ground zero from where a new you will rise. Get it in your head that anything is possible if you believe strong enough in it.


Dream Big, But Start Small

Norman Vincent Peale said it best, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars”.

The point is, there is nothing wrong with big dreams and you shouldn’t be frightened by their grandioseness. But big dreams take time, effort, and a lot of work in between.

Start with baby steps and celebrate every victory on your way up. Make sure that each of those steps leads in the same direction, closer to your dreams or you are a better, stronger person because of it.


Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle

The healthier you are, the better you will feel about yourself. We are not the car we drive or the clothes we wear, but our body which is part of us.

Open a clean slate, start eating healthy, exercise regularly, quite harmful vices such as heavy drinking and smoking, and clear your body of all the accumulated toxins.

The change will be almost immediate as you will feel more energized, you will look and feel better. Furthermore, you will have a clear mind. That will allow you to change your perspective of how you see things, how you do things, and most importantly how you feel about yourself.

That doesn’t mean you are cured, you are where you wanna be. But it is one hell of a start, a solid foundation to build on in your effort to find yourself once more.


Ask Yourself Questions

This is about opening an inner dialogue with your inner self. You don’t have to start asking fundamental questions like what’s my purpose in this world. Instead, start with less significant questions such as “What can I do today that will take me closer to my dreams?”, “How to schedule my day so that I can achieve more?”, or “What can I do to make me feel more accomplished?”

By asking yourself questions, you are improving your problem-solving skills. All that will eventually lead to finding yourself as a whole.


Find Time for Your Passion

Let’s be honest, not many of us can’t afford to make a living of what we are passionate about and that fulfill us to our core. Many of us work jobs that we don’t like, but often there is no other way to make a decent wage.

On the other hand, that doesn’t mean you can’t devote some time to doing something you are passionate about.

The best thing about passion projects is that you never know when it can turn into something valuable, something that can bring money in the same manner and quantity as it fills you up emotionally.

Making a living by doing what you love and for which you are passionate about is the very definition of success. When that happens you will know that you’ve arrived where you want to be. Your true nature will reveal itself and you won’t feel lost anymore.


Step Out of Comfort Zone

Routines, monotony, repetition, all that can only deepen your comfort zone which will make you feel even more lost. To start fixing that, start with baby steps.

For example, visit someplace you’ve never visited before, take music lessons, volunteer, re-connect with an old friend, things like that. You don’t have to go skydiving right away or do something majestic in your first attempt to get out of your comfort zone.

After a while, you will feel the courage to take even bolder steps that will take you further from your comfort zone. Soon enough you will able to think on your feet and deal with all sorts of unforeseen challenges.


To Conclude

The path to finding yourself doesn’t have to be a difficult one or full of challenges. All it takes is some discipline, determination, consistency, and trust in the process. The steps above might feel a bit generic, bit plain, and simplistic.

But, know that once you start applying them, they will feel overwhelmingly personal. As time passes, you will feel the change in your life. Just don’t stray away from the given blueprint and soon enough you will feel like reborn and thinking only of success.

7 Things That Can Contribute To Our Anxious Thoughts


Does your heart beating faster than normal?


Do you palms get sweaty in stressful situation?


Yes, that’s anxiety! Even when you do not know it, you deal with anxiety on a daily basis. You feel anxious when you are in traffic, when you are late for work or when you are waiting for a specific thing.


No matter where we are and what we do, anxiety is within us most of the time. Anxiety may lead to a lot of complications when it comes to our physical and mental health. It will ruin our way of thinking, and it will stress us out, causing unexplainable pain within our bodies.


If you want to get rid of those anxious thoughts, the first thing to do is to acknowledge it. If you do not know that you are suffering from anxiety, then you cannot help yourself. In order to do that, one of the first things you should do is to know the causes of anxiety. Thankfully, you are in the right place! In this article, we are going to discuss all the things that supposedly bring about those anxious thoughts of ours.


Thoughts That Cause Anxiety


Parental Pressure

This is one of the leading contributors when it comes to our anxiety. As we grow old, some parents tend to force these three things into our lives: a stable job, marriage, and a place to live. Although they mean well, dealing with their constant reminders could give a whole lot of anxiety within us. It also doesn’t help if you do not have a healthy relationship with your parents.

If you want to get rid of your anxiety from parental pressure, the simplest thing to do is to talk to them. Explain to them that the pressure is too much, and they should understand that you are capable of handling your life at your own pace. By simply having an open discussion about things, you could release yourself from the tension that you are constantly feeling.


A Full Tummy

Having a large meal and a full tummy can be quite satisfying, that is until the anxiety creeps in. Most people tend to rant that they feel bloated after eating a lot, even though the reason is clearly obvious.

When you feel anxious right after you ate, you might experience a few physical symptoms that can affect your comfortability. To avoid these symptoms, you could try eating a more balanced meal, and make sure that you are not eating in a way that is as if it is your last meal ever. Eat slowly, enjoy the food, and you will have a satisfied belly and a brain that is anxiety-free.


Social Media

When you browse around your social media sites for long periods of time, you will notice that you are comparing yourself to others. This will bring around anxious thoughts about your looks, your career, and your overall progress in life. Social media is one of the leading causes of anxiety, which is why it should not be tolerated. Thankfully, there is a way you can get through this easily.

The solution for social media anxiety is simple: do not stick around too much in it. Keep yourself busy from your daily tasks, and make sure that you are not spending way too much time on social media. Watch yourself when you are browsing through your accounts, and try to set a personal timer, so that you will know if you are getting hooked again.

By balancing your time on social media and your personal life, you will get to have a lifestyle that is more productive and with less anxiety.



If you are an overthinker, you are feeding your anxiety effortlessly. Overthinking will do you no good, especially since nothing will happen. You are just thinking about things that are most likely to happen, but we will never know if they will.

To avoid overthinking, try to distract yourself with other stuff. Watch television shows & movies, catch up on the latest songs, or play a game on your computer. This way, you can reroute your thoughts and reset your mind to avoid thinking about negative stuff. Only then will you release yourself from the grasps of anxiety.


Too Much Coffee

Being a coffee lover is okay, but too much of it will bring a few complications, and that includes anxiety. If you are drinking too much coffee, you are more prone to anxiety than you used to be. Aside from this, you will suffer from palpitations, thanks to the caffeine’s side effect partnered with your anxiety.

To avoid this minimal problem, try cutting down on your caffeine intake every now and then. You could also consider decaffeinated coffee, so that you can still enjoy the beverage without compromising your health.



If you are dealing with financial problems and you are having a hard time finding a solution for them, anxiety may suddenly kick in. It also doesn’t help if the bills are coming your way, which is why you need to take care of this matter in a more organized manner.

To deal with your anxiety while handling your finances, always prepare a pen, a pad, and a calculator by your side. Take it slow, and plan your budget effectively in a relaxed manner. Eventually, you will find yourself getting calm as you plan out your finances, getting rid of the anxiety that contributes to your stress levels.


Being Out in Public

Being out in public could cause a lot of anxiety triggers, especially if you are not a people person. This is because you do not know what could happen while you are inside a big crowd. You might stumble, bump into someone, or worst, get your things snatched away from you. Although these things do not happen most of the time, the thought of them might worsen your anxiety while you are outside.

The best way to deal with this matter is by listening to music that you love. By doing this, you will help yourself relax in a more effective manner, and you will get to walk around easily while you are drowned in your favorite tunes. Eventually, you will get accustomed to your surroundings, and your anxiety will tone down for the rest of your time outside.


The Little Things Matter

Everyone has their own way of dealing with their anxiety. Some methods may be effective for others, and not effective for you. The quickest way to get rid of your anxiety is to pay attention to the little things. By doing this, you will become more attentive, and you will get to take care of yourself in a more organized manner. Lastly, take note of the things that can trigger your anxiety, and make sure that you will avoid them next time.

Best Mental Health Quotes To Help You Feel Less Alone


Some of us are fortunate enough to live with our family, and have a great time in the presence of our loved ones. However, there are some people who are living far away from their families and loved ones, dealing with their daily dose of professional work in the city. After working hours, being at home alone can bring a lot of negative energy towards their mental health.


Taking care of your mental health and having positive energy is essential if you want to succeed in life. This means that you have to make sure that your mental health is always intact.


You can find ways when it comes to doing this. One of the best ways is searching for positive and encouraging quotes on the internet.


If you are struggling and you want to feel better, here are some helpful mental health quotes to get your day going.


Ten Best Mental Quotes to Avoid Feeling Alone


1.“I wish people could understand that the brain is the most important organ of our body. Just because you can’t see mental illness like you could see a broken bone, doesn’t mean it’s not as detrimental or devastating to a family or an individual.” – Demi Lovato

Nothing beats the feeling of contentment after knowing that people actually understand what you are going through. In this case, famous singer and actress Demi Lovato acknowledges that mental health is a serious problem, and that people should be more aware of it. She pointed out that just because you cannot see mental illness physically, you are just going to ignore or belittle it.


2.“What we don’t need in the midst of struggle is a shame for being human.” – Brene Brown

Brene Brown is a well-known professor and author from Texas. She holds one of the most iconic achievements at the University of Houston, an Endowed Chair that is specially dedicated to her name. Since she specializes in social studies, Brown contributed a comment that highly promotes awareness when it comes to our capabilities as humans. She gently reminds us through this quote that in the middle of our toughest moments, we should take time to acknowledge ourselves as strong-willed humans.


3.“Everyone experiences a version of anxiety or worry in their lives, and maybe we go through it in a different or more intense way for longer periods of time, but there’s nothing wrong with you.” – Emma Stone

Emma Stone is one of the most well-known celebrities in the US. For most of us, we know her as Gwen Stacy when she played the part in The Amazing Spider-Man films. In this quote, Gwen reminds us that even though we face our mental illnesses in a lot of different ways, what matters the most is that we acknowledge the fact that there is nothing wrong with what we are feeling.


4.“People are often afraid to admit difficulties, but I don’t believe that there should be a struggle with anything that’s the truth.” – Zayn Malik

Pop star Zayn Malik is one of the most followed musical artists in today’s world. Ever since the celebrity left the boy group “One Direction”, he started his solo career and pursued a whole new sound. In this quote, he reminds us that we should not be afraid to acknowledge our difficulties. In some aspects, this is quite a helpful quote, since the first step to getting better is to acknowledge that we are struggling.

5.“If you are broken, you do not have to stay broken.” – Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez is a well-known celebrity, featuring in various television shows and gaining an identity as a pop star. Here, she simply stated that being broken does not mean that you have to remain in that same place for the rest of your life. All we have to do is to find the will to stand up and move on, and all will eventually get better.

6.“You just have to trust that people are out there waiting to love you and celebrate you for who you are.” – Wentworth Miller

In this quote by Wentworth Miller, he pointed out that being afraid to show who you are will not get you anywhere. Sometimes, all you have to do is to build up your confidence and trust the people that are there to help you out. A lot of people deal with the same issues we are having, so it is nice to know that we can share our struggles with them as we continually heal deep inside.

7.“Being vulnerable is actually a strength, not a weakness.” – Cara Delevingne

Model and actress Cara Delevingne recognizes the importance of using vulnerability as a weapon of strength. In this quote, she establishes the fact that being vulnerable does not make you weak. In fact, it makes you stronger, enabling you to accept who you really are. Using our struggles as our strength could prove to be helpful in a lot of ways. This is why Delevingne made sure that we truly know it.


8.“You are the one thing in this world, above all other things, that you must never give up on.” – Lili Reinhart

Riverdale star Lili Reinhart lovingly reminds us through this quote that self-love is the best love you could get. There is nothing wrong with prioritizing yourself, and you must always remember that. This quote is an inspiring reminder that giving up on yourself should never be an option.


9.“If you’re afraid to ask for help, don’t be. You don’t have to be in constant pain and you can process your trauma.” – Ariana Grande

Pop star Ariana Grande reminds us through this quote that staying silent will get you nowhere. If you are in pain because of your mental illness, it is okay to tell people about it. There are lots of people out there who are ready to give you everything you need, so take the first step and share your struggles with them.

10.“Please take care of yourself and be good to yourself and be nice to yourself. Don’t take that extra step to hurt yourself further.” – Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish is one of the newest trends in the music industry today. In an interview with Gayle King, Eilish pointed out that she almost took her own life one time while she was 17. In this quote, she reminds us that hurting ourselves won’t make any difference. Instead of amplifying the emotional pain and bringing it on our physical body, she encourages us to be good to ourselves in the best ways we can do. Only then we will start getting better.

If you are suffering from a difficult time, know that even these people go through the same things you do. You are not alone, and there are lots of people out there who are ready to help you out. Remember to take the first step, then step back a bit if you are overwhelmed, and continue the process until you are getting better in your life.

7 Best Mental Health Podcasts That Can Help You Feel Better



Are you struggling from mental health issues?


If yes then it can be a problematic experience in your life. It makes you uncomfortable, unprogressive, and ruins your productivity in a way that will cause a significant decline in your life.


Sometimes, all we need to do is to just rest for a bit, and everything will calm down in a few minutes or hours. However, there are others who go through the same thing differently. Some of them require medical attention, requiring them to undergo therapies and schedule occasional visits to certain clinics.


All around the world, people have been continuously thinking of ways to help those with serious mental health problems. Inside various sites on the internet, there are those who create advocacies, movements, and other agendas that are focused on strengthening the willpower of those who are struggling with their mental health.


If you are currently facing such a problem, you can search for these online helpers, and they will gladly assist you when it comes to this particular matter.


Why Podcast?


One of the many things you will find on the internet when it comes to promoting mental health awareness are podcasts. If you are unfamiliar with what a podcast is, it is like a live interview or exchange of thoughts between two people (or a group of them).


Inside a podcast, the people discuss various things, depending on the theme or topic they are talking about. Aside from listening to their opinions and the facts, you can actually get a lot of useful knowledge and advice just by listening to them.


7 Best Mental Podcasts


1. Anxiety Slayer with Shann and Anganga

Dealing with anxiety is such a hard process. One minute, you are doing fine on your own, and the next thing you know, you are thinking about things that are less likely to occur in your life. If you are dealing with anxiety, this podcast entitled Anxiety Slayer is one of the best materials you can listen to.

From facts about anxiety to helpful methods of actually overcoming it, the podcast speakers discuss this mental health issue in a way that can educate and inform us, so that we can help ourselves or other people that might be experiencing it.

2. Let It Out by Katie Dalebout

If ever you are feeling kind of incompetent or unsatisfied about yourself, you can check out this podcast entitled Let It Out. The speaker talks about living your life to your best extent, and she does it in a way that can help you feel positive about your current situation.

Having a positive mindset whenever you are having a rough time can be quite hard, especially if you are not used to motivating yourself. This is why it is important for us to “let it out” every once in a while. It can also help if we surround ourselves with positive people, and by listening to this podcast, you can actually feel that way.

3. The Savvy Psychologist

If ever you are feeling like you need a more trusted person, when it comes to giving valuable mental health advice, then this podcast is the right choice for you.

The podcast’s speaker is a licensed psychologist (Dr. Ellen) who is always ready to talk about topics relating to mental health. Instead of diving in confusing terms and medical advice, she actually talks to her listeners in a way that makes them feel like she is their friend.

She provides relevant, easy-to-understand information about mental health issues, and then she gives noteworthy tips to make sure that you can get through that specific thing you are struggling with. 

4. Mental Illness Happy Hour

If you are thinking that celebrities do not go through the same things you do, you are terribly wrong! In this podcast hosted by Paul Gilmartin, he schedules interviews with noted celebrities and asks about a few of their experiences that resulted in their mental health issues.

His goal for this podcast is to make people who are struggling with the same issues feel comfortable when it comes to sharing or acknowledging them. Besides, knowing your flaws is the first step to get over them, right?

5. The Happiness Lab

Sometimes, you will tend to get the feeling that you are not allowed or able to achieve happiness in any way possible. This will make you think as if the world is actually doing its best to ruin your life. Sure, it may sound silly, but there is a large number of people out there who feel this way, and the sad part is, they cannot get over it easily.

In this podcast, noted psychologist Dr. Santos (Yale University) helps people who feel this way control their own happiness. She simply explains these things by showing examples of how you can overpower and condition your mind in a way that can help you build a strong foundation when it comes to defending yourself from negativity. By teaching a process that is so easy to follow, Dr. Santos can actually guide you on how you can make yourself happier by teaching your mind how to do it.

6. The Hilarious World of Depression

We will never know when depression hits, and it just sucks when it does. It can ruin our life gradually, hindering us from doing all the things that can supposedly help us in the long run. Thankfully, this podcast is available for those who are suffering from depression or knows someone who is experiencing it.

Hosted by John Moe, this podcast is frequently visited by known personalities who share their life experiences during the times that they are facing depression. It consists of hilarious and straightforward conversations between the host and guests, and it can actually make you feel that they can relate to you in more ways than you know.

Apart from that, you can get a lot of information about how to handle depression from this podcast. This way, you can learn from their experiences, and you can share a laugh or two with the people in the show. 

7. Feel Better, Live More

Suffering from mental health issues can damage your overall health as well. If you are one of those people who experiences this sort of thing, this podcast is the right one for you to listen to. It is a simple podcast, and the host (Dr. Rangan Chatterjee), along with other health professionals, share various stories and excellent advice to help you move on with your internal struggles.


Pick Up Your Earphones Now


If you want to end the horrible feelings caused by your mental health problems, you have the power to deal with them. Start the process slowly, and take each step with care to make sure that you are not rushing yourself into things.


Listening to these podcasts can help, especially if you are always spending your time alone. They can assist you into getting better, and some of them are hilarious enough to make you forget your problems for a while. Remember, you do not need to face these things alone. There are always other people who are ready to help, even if they are far away from you.

10 Signs That You’re Doing Better Than You Think


Whenever we go through something nerve-wracking in our lives, we tend to get distracted and lose our cool. Some of us are most unfortunate, watching everything in their life decline as they lose control and break down.

You don’t need to think that you are unfortunate or incapable. Yes, it happens with many people and these events and circumstances are sometimes inevitable. We just need to accept the fact that there is no other choice but to accept the circumstances and go through them.

Things apart, life does not stay that way. Before you know it, you are actually getting back on your feet, ready to face the world on a brand new shell that is tougher than your previous one.

It doesn’t happen overnight. You have to go through the long tedious process before actually getting what you want. Thankfully, there are signs that naturally come along to help you out in this matter.

If you are doubting your progress when it comes to your growth, you are just in the right place at the right time. Today, we are going to discuss the different signs, you will witness to know that you are doing better than you think.

Signs That You Are Making Good Progress

You Appreciate The Things You Didn’t Use To

When you are making excellent progress in your life, you will notice that a lot of things are actually helpful or worth fighting for. You take time to notice them and appreciate them, giving you a deeper meaning or understanding of what life is all about. Instead of wasting your time in doing nonsensical things, you suddenly feel the constant urge to do more stuff that is dedicated to improving your well-being. After all, that is what life is all about, right?

Giving Up is Not on Your Mindset Anymore

If you are a person that gives up easily, don’t worry, you are not alone. Many people suffer through the same thing, which is why it is such a relief when you don’t have that kind of mindset anymore.

When things are starting to get better, you will feel that giving up should not be an option. You will focus more on improving, and your perseverance will level up along with your skills. This is such a satisfying sensation, since the more you persevere in life, your chances of succeeding will be significantly higher.

You Start to Cut Out Negative People in Your Life

Having a successful life means there should be no room for negativity in it, and sometimes, those negative energies come from the people that we surround ourselves with. Whether we admit it or not, friends are not really “friends” if they do not help you grow.

If you are going through a significant positive change in your life, you will start to realize that you love surrounding yourself with good, positive people. This way, you will tend to forget your bad habits, and the toxic, tolerating people that come along with them.

You Feel Responsible Enough for Your Own Actions

As you progress in your life, you are most likely to run into speed bumps along the way. This is quite normal, but what’s not normal is the fact that people are always trying to play the victim just to get out of a tough situation. Whenever you do something wrong or unfortunate and you take responsibility for it that is one excellent sign that you are doing better. This is because in life, downfalls are inevitable. But if you are willing to accept your flaws and use them as your strengths, you are doing much better than you think you are.

You Make Room for Constant Improvements

The point of doing better in your life is, of course, to constantly improve yourself. By doing this, you will get to do more than you used to, enabling you to be productive and to have a positive mindset all the way.

One of the clear signs that you are doing better is when you start to make room for constant improvements in your life. You start to make decent plans, avoid all the things that could cause your stagnance, and you push yourself to achieve your goals.

You are More Open to Forgiveness

When you improve and establish a foundation for your personal growth, one of the most fulfilling things you will find is the act of forgiveness. You will tend to release a lot of emotional weight when you start working on your significant progress.

As you do this, you will find yourself getting relieved from your past painful experiences, finding room in your heart to forgive those who might have wronged you.

You are Not Anxious When Asking for Help

One of the most dragging things that happens to people who are unable to grow is feeling anxious when they want to ask for help. When you start to make good progress in your life, you are more open to asking people for help, since you know that you will need all the valuable resources you will get.

There are a lot of people out there who are willing to help when it comes to personal and professional matters. The only thing you will need to do is simple: ask.

You Set Realistic Goals

What’s the point of making progress if you do not have a solid goal, right? When you start to improve in your life, one of the first things you will do is to set your goals. More importantly, you will set realistic goals, ones that are feasible and accessible to you. Whenever you notice that you are doing this, you will be pleased to know that you are making excellent progress.

You are Nicer to Others

For sure, one of the things you want to improve in your life is how well you interact with others. This means that you will be nicer to everyone whenever you encounter significant changes in your life. As the golden rule says, “Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.”

You Find Time for Self Care

You will notice this when it comes to self-improvement. The good thing about progressing in your life is that it will make you realize that you should take care of yourself more. This means that you will avoid everything that will ruin your physical, mental, and emotional health.

You will stick to the stuff that is good for your well-being, enabling you to grow continuously as the days progress.

Notice the Little Things

Sometimes, you will tend to forget that you are actually making excellent progress in your life. That’s okay, especially since you are used to your previous self, and are still a long way from your success.

However, if you want to continually improve, make sure that you notice the little things. They are there for a reason, so it is useful to acknowledge them and use them to inspire yourself whenever you are feeling down or discouraged.

6 Effective Ways To Stop Self Sabotaging Your Success

As we grow older, we will encounter with the lot of issues that can affect our whole personality and outlook in life. Most of the time, we deal with these things in such a way that we do not notice the changes we are bringing into our lives.

If these changes are good, then that can prove to be beneficial for the person. It can actually help us grow and continue on with our lives with a healthier mindset.

However, if you are not doing good and making yourself feel bad and overthinking about it then, it can create issues for you. This is called “Self Sabotaging”.

So, what is self sabotaging?

Self sabotaging is the subconscious act of ruining your emotional and mental health by doubting your personality, skills and mindset.

In this situation, you are doubting yourself that by telling “you can’t do this”, “you are worthless” or criticize yourself most of the times. This is why although it is a subconscious and conditional act, it is quite dangerous for most people. Mental health issues are usually the end-results of self sabotaging tendencies.

6 Proven Tips to Avoid or Overcome Self Sabotaging

Avoid Hating or Neglecting Yourself

You do not know how much you can destroy yourself just by simply not appreciating the things you do or the way you are. By continuously hating or neglecting yourself, you will build up this wall that can hinder you from achieving your personal goals. This issue is something that worsens overtime, which is why it should be dealt with as early as possible.

For you to stop neglecting yourself, the best thing to do is to stop, breathe, and think things through. Usually, this issue occurs because you are trying to catch a timeline that is not yours, and when you fail in doing so, you will blame yourself more and more.

Stop dealing with the pressures of society and start dealing with the things at your own pace. Eventually, you will get to where you want to be, and you will be able to bask in the glory of your success.

Learn to Open Up

Usually, when people are out with their friends, they tend to put on this invisible mask that tends to hide what they are really going through. Nothing good will happen if you just hide your feelings behind this mask. Eventually, they will eat you up, and you will just ruin yourself more and more if you continue living like this.

The solution for this is simple: open up. Learn to talk to others in a way that they can understand you. You can try doing this by starting with your closest friend. Start opening up a conversation, and ask their opinions about a certain issue you are dealing with. When the conversation goes on, you can talk about that specific thing on a deeper level.

By doing this, you will get to have a more connected and personal relationship with your friend, allowing you to share more with them

Stop Pretending to Be Someone Else

Sometimes, we tend to get this idea that wearing this set of clothes or buying this accessory will make us cooler or more famous. Well, guess what? Life does not work that way.

Whenever you see someone and you suddenly feel the urge to copy their lifestyle or be like them entirely, you should stop. When you start to do that, you will forget the essence of personality and you will just destroy your emotional integrity altogether.

This is one of the most tackled issues when it comes to self sabotaging, which is why it is essential to look out for clear signs that are trying to be someone else. By the end of the day, you are who you are, and you should not go through any adjustments just to prove that you are similar to someone or better than them.

Find Time to Take Care of Yourself

Did you notice that when you start to doubt yourself, you are more likely to avoid things that you used to love?

You stop buying your favorite food, going out and enjoying the mall, or maybe playing your favorite game or sport.

Whatever the case, self sabotaging has a lot of implications. If you are forgetting to take care of yourself, then you are experiencing one of the worst ones.

One leading contributor of self sabotage is self deprivation. By depriving yourself of the good things in life, you are only worsening your case. Spoil yourself with little things, such as good food, a new movie, or maybe a new addition to your collection or hobby. Nothing beats the satisfaction of taking care of yourself, which is why it is important when it comes to overcoming self sabotage.

Avoid Procrastinating

Did you ever have those moments where you just want to relax and finish a significant task at the last minute? That is procrastination in the simplest explanation. If you think about it, it is not that bad. That is until you start to do it on a regular basis.

Procrastination is very toxic when it comes to your mental and emotional welfare. The more you leave off a task and decide not to do it right away, you are just cramping up your timeline, resulting in more stressful moments than you are used to. After that, you will only end up blaming yourself, which is a clear sign of self sabotaging.

If you want to avoid procrastination, you should push yourself to finish your tasks as early as possible. Do not give in to tempting leisure activities, and control yourself, so that you can fully focus on your tasks. By doing this, you will eventually phase out procrastination in your mindset, enabling you to be more productive in the future.


The simplest step to take if you want to avoid self sabotaging is to listen. People could be talking to you and they could be giving excellent advice, but if you are not listening, then they just wasted their time.

Try to listen to other people’s suggestions in order for you to avoid sabotaging yourself. If you do not agree with their opinions, then that is okay. You can weigh out what’s right and wrong yourself, and you can eventually come up with an idea of how to help yourself move past that self sabotaging phase. When it comes to doing this, you also have to listen to your positive side, which means you need to drown out that negative mindset.

There are a lot of people out there who are willing to help those who are suffering from self sabotaging, so it is best if you seek out their advice and follow those that you think would be very helpful.

Self Care is the Best Care

Self sabotaging is something that naturally comes along if you are not mindful of it. When it worsens, it will gradually eat you up inside, making you feel as if you are not enough for this world. Do your best to stop thinking that way, and take note of these tips so you can help yourself out. Eventually, things will get better, and you will start to improve along the way.

How To Tag YouTube Videos To Rank Higher And Get More Views


What Are YouTube Tags?

Tags are an important factor in YouTube search algorithm. They are the words that give YouTube context about the video.

How To Tag YouTube Videos?

Your very first tag is the most important one. So your first tag should be the exact keyword you want to rank for. Use both broad and focused tags. You’d want to give YouTube the context about the video.

Imagine you’re YouTube and you’re trying to figure out the best video for a certain search phrase. Seeing 20 different tags won’t help you evaluate the context of the video. So I suggest you stick with 5-10 tags max.

How To Choose The Best Tags For YouTube?

How long shoould the tags be? Use 2-3 word phrases for a keyword tag.

Are there any tools I can use that will help me find the right tags?

VidIQ Boost


You can also research the tags your competitors are using.